[epilogue] A Boring Life - A Valentine's Day RDR2 Special ❤️

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A/N: Thank you for 3k reads!
Enjoy this little Valentine's Day special.

Warning: lots of fluff. ;)

John woke up alone, shivering in his bed on a sunless February morning.

He could not stand the cold, so he liked to cuddle up to Arthur every night, and cling on to him to warm himself. Arthur would always groan when he did that.
"John, stop being such a baby" he'd mutter in his sleep.

Arthur would often wake up before John to a dead arm, and he would carefully wiggle his way out and go make them some hot coffee.

But this morning was different. There was no Arthur, and there was no coffee.

He got up from his bed and carried the fur duvet around him like a shawl, and walked outside the room. The silence in the house was almost deafening.

John and Abigail had agreed that Jack should go to school, since he loved reading so much, and Jack welcomed the idea with open books and arms. The boy and his mother have been staying most of the year in the city since, close to the school, to avoid traveling for long hours in the cold country winter.

John soon realized it was just him at home.

He sat down half asleep on the armchair in the sitting room, and let out a heavy sigh. Just what was this man up to now, he wondered.

He sat and waited for Arthur for what seemed like hours, until he finally heard his footsteps on the wooden porch.

He got up and ran to the door.

Arthur smiled after seeing him at the door, and immediately pushed him inside and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"Carefull, Johnny, you don't wanna catch a cold." Arthur said smugly, as he took off his hat and hung it next to the door.

"I should be saying that to you! Where the hell you been?"

"Oh, I was out. Huntin'."

"In this weather?!" John exclaimed.

"I know. I just wanted to help." Arthur said, cupping John's cheek in his hand.

"We got enough food, Arthur. And what's up with your clothes? Why're they all raggedy?"

"I, uh, fell, when I was trynna shoot this, uh..."

"...deer?" John finished the sentence skeptically.

"Yes, deer! I'll, uh, go make you your coffee."

"No, fuck coffee. Come here and warm me up." John replied, sitting on the couch and opening up his duvet, inviting Arthur in for a morning snuggle.
And Arthur was happy to oblige.

The next morning, the same thing happened.

John woke up to an empty bed, and sat and waited for Arthur while he was out "hunting", but Arthur managed to sweet talk his way out of it again. For the next three days.

On the forth day, John decided enough was enough.

He went and waited for Arthur in the sitting room as usual, and passed out in the process.


John slowly opened his eyes to the familiar voice that was calling out to him.

"Arthur... Where were you?" he replied in a voice raspier than usual.

"Out. Why the hell's there no fire on? Do you wanna freeze to death, boy?" Arthur exclaimed, as he started loading up the fireplace with wood logs and lit them on fire.

Legends of The Wild, Wild West (Arthur Morgan x John Marston)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt