Damsels in distress

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**T/W: RAPE.**
Arthur being Arthur, he woke up early in the morning and took off to do some hunting by himself.
He says it's for camp, but it's more for him, really.

Arthur loved being alone; he worked better, he shot better, and of course, it gave him more opportunity to think and ponder by himself.
Whether it's to do good or wreak havoc, he just loved taking his horse and riding aimlessly around the country.

He went over to wander around the heartlands, where the spring was always in full swing.
The grass was green. Birds were chirping. The breeze played with the tree branches.
The sun was barely up, but he could already feel that this day was going to be perfect.


Arthur's peace was interrupted by a woman's desperate scream coming from the wood.
"Oh my god, somebody hel-"

Arthur quickly ran to the source of the sound, only to find a gagged woman getting mounted by a man, while his friend watched them.
Tears and smudged make up were running down her face as the man was tearing her clothes off. It's like she had almost given up on being saved.

"You sons of bitches!" Arthur waltzed in yelling, as he pulled the animal away from her with his lasso.
The other man quickly tried to pull out his gun, but Arthur shot him from the hip in the face, killing him instantly.

"Y-you don't get it! She's my wife! She ran away from me! Please!" The lassoed man starts pleading for his life.
"If she don't want ya, then she don't want ya, you filthy animal!" Arthur said, as he pointed his gun on the man's forehead.
Arthur turns to the terrified woman, "whadayya want me to do with him?"
"H-h-he can rot in hell!" She stuttered.

Arthur blows his brains out.

"Miss, you got a name?" Arthur said, as he collects his lasso.
"Alright, Shelly. You're alright now. Let's get you out of here."

Shelly's hair was messy. She was in her undergown, with her dress ripped and thrown on the ground.
She was in a total state of shock.

Arthur bends down and carries the damsel in distress, bridal style, and takes her back to his horse.
He sits her down on the back of his horse and gives her his jacket to cover herself up.
He takes out his bandana and cleans her face with it.
"Miss, you're safe now. I'm taking you home."
She nods and holds his hand, "thank you."

He sits in front of her on the saddle, "so, where to?"
"V-valentine" she said, wrapping her arms around him.
"Let's go then."
Back at camp, John's light sleep was startled by the sound of Arthur's horse neighing as he was leaving camp.
He groaned and attempted to go back to sleep, tossing and turning for at least an hour, but to no avail.
After completing giving up on sleep, he finally gets up and puts on a shirt and goes to get himself a cup of coffee.

With his coffee cup in hand, he went to check up on Arthur's tent.
"I saw him leave this morning." Tilly calls out to John.
"This early?"
"Yeah... I think he went one of them hunting trips."
"Oh.. thanks, Tilly."

John was disappointed.
Why does Arthur never take me hunting?

Determined, John makes his way to his horse, after deciding to take the matter into his own hand.
"And where are you going now?" Tilly asked.
"Huntin'." Said John, putting on his cowboy hat and taking off.
He knew the spot.

** ** **
John reached the Heartlands and started looking around for any sign of Arthur.
After a few minutes of looking, John spotted his man coming out of the woods carrying a young woman in her nightgown.

"What the..."

He watched as Arthur sat her on his horse and caressed her cheeks, and even giving her his jacket.
They talk for a bit, and then she hugs him as they take off.

John clenched his jaw as he saw them ride away.
Who is this woman?! Is this what Arthur has been sneaking off doing all this time?!
Blinded with range, it was a surprise he barely stopped himself from following them and decided to go back to camp instead.

Legends of The Wild, Wild West (Arthur Morgan x John Marston)Where stories live. Discover now