Agent Milton

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It was the afternoon of that very same day, and the sun still wasn't letting up.
Arthur was on his horse racing away from Valentine. Or rather running away from what he'd heard from Mary Linton.

"...I know you're in love with John Marston."

How dare she even think that..
He thought to himself, riding back to camp. He was equally offended and angry, to say the least.
Although the ride was quiet, but his mind wouldn't shut up.

Me and Marston?! Goddamn you, Mary Linton. Who do you think you are, jumping back into my life like this just to give me your two cents that I didn't ask for... I was fine. I was doing fine. Now wha-... wait...

"What the hell's going on over there?"
Arthur came back to reality as he was approaching his destination to a team of mighty looking black horses hitched outside the gang's camp.

He heard a foreign voice coming from camp,
"Dutch Van Der Linde.. we finally caught up to you now."

"Ah, shit... Pinkertons..."
Arthur quickly dismounted his horse, sneaking behind the trees to get a good look at the situation.

Pinkertons were scattered around what they had called home for the past few months; some rummaging through their stuff mercilessly, some holding Bill, Hosea, Strauss, and Mr. Pearson at gunpoint; and the others just seemed to stand around and watch the women tremble in fear.
"Where's the money, Dutch?" Said the same voice, but now Arthur can see the face behind it.
He did not look like a very pleasant man.
"I don't know what you're talkin' bout, Agent Milton." Dutch replied in his usual charm, seeming surprisingly relaxed.
"You can have a look around, and please let me know if you find anything." He continued mockingly.
"Oh, we know you have it. We know it's around here somewhere." Replied the other agent standing confidently in front of Dutch.

Arthur stood behind a tree, with his hand on his gunbelt ready to fire, but he just didn't know what to do.
"Shit, shit, shit..."
"Psst, hey! Arthur!"
Arthur looked to see Javier seemingly in the same position as him, crouching behind another tree nearby.
"Javier! Where's Marston?" he asked quietly.
"He went back to town looking for you." Javier whispered back.
"Alright, on my mark," Arthur pointed at the two men standing in front of Dutch, to which Javier nodded.
"1, 2....3!"
Shots were fired, Arthur killed the confident man standing beside Agent Milton, and Javier shot Milton in the ear.

"Let's go boys! Kill as much as you can from them and run for your lives!" Dutch announced, quickly dual-wielding his guns and shooting the agents holding Charles.

It was a bloodbath.
Arthur and Javier made their way into camp shooting at anyone they didn't know.
Arthur quickly signaled to Ms. Grimshaw to take the women to safety, and continued shooting away at the now-fleeing Pinkertons.

"You sons of bitches!" He yelled at the last one of them that made his way out of Arthur's sight.
Unfortunately, agent Milton and a few of his men made it out of there alive, but the same couldn't be said about some gang members who quickly fell to their deaths.

By the time it was over, everyone was on a horse and on their way out of there.

They didn't know where they were going, but they knew that they couldn't stay here any longer.
They all just wanted to stay alive.

This day just kept getting more and more dreadful.

Legends of The Wild, Wild West (Arthur Morgan x John Marston)Where stories live. Discover now