Doin' my part

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After taking care of that Shelly incident, Arthur proudly returned to camp the next day at sundown; carrying a big mountain cow and a couple rabbits, all in perfect condition.

He made his way to Pearson and placed them on his table.
"Wow, Mr. Morgan. This will surely keep us fed for the next couple of days!" Said Pearson cheerfully.
"Just doin' my part."
"I can probably make you something outta these hides too. Whaddaya want?"
"Surprise me"
Arthur tipped his hat and walked away, to look for his man.

He stood in the middle of camp by the fire and scanned the place, but there was no sign of John.
He went to his tent, but it was empty too.

"You won't find him." Said a voice coming from behind him.
Arthur knew this voice.
"Micah." He said angrily without looking back.

"Morgan." Micah replied, before spitting on the ground and smirking.
"Do you happen to know where he is?"
"Yeah. But why don't you go ask Dutch? I think you'll want to hear it from him."
Arthur's eyebrows arched in confusion.

He immediately left the still-smirking Micah and quickly went to Dutch's tent, where he was sitting with Hosea.
"Dutch, where's Marston?" Arthur barged in.
"Son.. welcome back."
"Where is he?" Arthur said, now with anger in his voice.
He knew something wasn't right.

"Arthur..." Dutch sighs, "Marston's been captured."
"But we are working on retrieving him" Hosea interrupted the fuming man, in hopes to avoid a tantrum.
"...when the time is right." Dutch quietly added.
"What the hell do you mean when the time is right?! This is John we're talkin' about!" Arthur argued back.
Dutch gets up and holds Arthur by the shoulders,
"Son, I understand. But the Pinkertons are still on our backs. Going after him now would be reckless!" Dutch pleaded.
"Answer me Dutch. Where is he?" Arthur said, pushing Dutch's hands off his shoulders, trying his hardest to contain his anger.
"They're moving him from Van Horn to the penitentiary tonight." Hosea replied.
Arthur immediately made his way to the door.
"Arthur wait." Dutch called out, but was ignored by the man.
He followed him outside and watched as he rode away from camp on his horse, letting out a sigh of frustration.

Without thinking, Arthur starts riding for Van Horn as fast as he could, in hopes of making it before they take him to the penitentiary in them heavily-guarded carriages. He figured it would be easier to break him out from the sheriff's office.
After pushing his horse to the limits, Arthur finally reaches Van Horn's Sheriff's office. He hitches his horse, and just as he's about to walk to the door, he sees the door getting busted open with two lawmen dragging a handcuffed John.

John's hair and clothes were a mess.
His upper lip was cut, and right cheekbone was bruised, somehow managing to look even weaker than the usual.
His eyes were sad, and he seemed like he didn't give them much of a fuss. He was rather compliant with the lawmen... like he has given up on being saved.

"Shit!" He thought to himself, as he watched them load him into the prison carriage.

"Keep your eyes peeled, boys. This one's got nasty friends that might try to do something."
Said the sheriff to the lawmen as they were leaving.

Arthur waited for them until they left town, and started stealthily tailing them.

He got closer to the carriage, and started sniping the lawmen guarding the carriage from the rear with throwing knives, killing them one by one, until only the 2 at the driver's seat remained.
He then sped up and jumped onto the carriage, shooting them in the face with his cattleman revolver.

He quickly brought the carriage to a stop, and shot the lock off the back of the carriage.
John's head slowly started emerging from the metal carriage door, until he noticed a familiar face approaching him.

His words were quickly interrupted by a passionate, needy kiss that Arthur's placed on his chapped lips.
After a brief moment, John started rejecting the kiss, pushing Arthur away.
"I know, I know I'm late. I only found out a few hours ago." Arthur explained, and then pulled John's face again for another kiss. He seemed like he couldn't get enough.

"Arthur wait!" John yelled, pulling away from the kiss.
"Shit, you're right. There's not time for this. Let's get you out of here."

In a rush of adrenaline, Arthur pulled John out of the carriage and carried him on one shoulder back to his horse.
Although he was mad, but boy, was John glad he saw Arthur and got rescued by him.
John sighed a sigh of relief as he was getting carried to the horse. He couldn't resist him.

"That's not what I meant..." John said quietly, as Arthur put him on the horse and ride away.

Legends of The Wild, Wild West (Arthur Morgan x John Marston)Where stories live. Discover now