What happened?

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It was the morning after, Arthur was passed out like a log on his bed.
He felt as if someone beat him up in his sleep, breaking and rearranging every bone in his body.
He woke up to a familiar sound that sounded displeased.

"There he is, Dutch! Completely collapsed in there, like I told you." Said an angry Ms. Grimshaw.
"Arthur? Son?" Dutch inquired. "Arthur!"
Dutch walked into his room and saw all the empty liquor bottles on the floor.
"Mmmm who's this" said Arthur naggingly...  clearly severely hungover.
"Jesus Christ, son... You smell like death!" Said Dutch, crossing his eyebrows in disgust.
"Oh, hey Dut-" said Arthur, interrupted by him furiously throwing up on the floor, and getting a little on himself.
"Shit, Arthur. I don't think I even wanna know what's gotten into you. Go get cleaned up. I need you. Susan, will you please get this man a cup of coffee?"
"He can get his own coffee!" Said Susan, walking away in anger.
"Goddamn it" Arthur finally got up, hunched over, placing his hand on his aching back.

"Well... you heard her. Go get your shit together and come see me."
"Ugh.. alright, alright." Replied Arthur, walking away unsteadily.

After changing his clothes and washing his face, Arthur made his way to the campfire and sat down for a cup of coffee.
Javier was already sitting there cleaning a bunch of guns.
"Amigo" Javier nodded at him.
"Hey Javier... Lovely day tod-" Arthur was again interrupted by him gagging, almost throwing up again.
"Shit, I can't even fake it."
"Hahaha, what's happened to you?" Said Javier lightheartedly.
"I.. I don't even know... It's all just a big blur.. I'm a goddamn fool." Said Arthur, forcing himself to drink the coffee.
"Really? You don't remember anything?" Javier asked.
"Not a goddamn thing" replied Arthur, placing his hand on his head.
"Take some of that snow and put it on your head, amigo. It'll help." Javier said.

Arthur got up to collect some snow, and that's when he saw John limping out of his tent.
John looked as if he has been chewed up and spat out at least 3 times.
Half of his face was covered in bandages, and the other half was bruised. He could barely walk.
He looked even weaker than usual.

After eyeing him for a few seconds, it didn't take much for Arthur to start feeling flustered, but he couldn't really tell why.
He threw the snow and quickly walked over to John.
"Oh, hey Arthur" said John, in his usual raspy voice.
"Surprised, and kind of disappointing, to see you're not dead yet." Said Arthur, mockingly.
"Aaand did good morning to you too." Replied John, taking his time to sit on the tree log next to Javier.

"Say Arthur, is Marston as light as he looks?" Javier smiles at him sneakily.
"Uhh..." Arthur began muttering and scratching his chin. He was caught completely off guard.
"What are you talking about?" Said John in confusion.

Arthur cleared his throat and got up, putting on his hat, "alright boys, I gotta cut it short. Dutch needs me."
John muttered and proceeded to grab himself a cup of coffee.

Arthur slowed down as he passed by Javier and whispered "what the hell was that?"
To which Javier whispered back, "who do you think carried you back to bed?"

Legends of The Wild, Wild West (Arthur Morgan x John Marston)Where stories live. Discover now