The Choco Fantasy

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Stella's outfit^
Song for the chappy^
I know I changed the day from a school night to a Friday night last chapter. I though it would work better that way.

~warning: the start does mention blood and the car accident, skip if you don't want to read.~

I was screaming.
My ears were ringing and my head felt like it was about to explode.
I could hear the faint sound of my own voice shouting for my mummy.

I felt something wet at the back of my head I reached up to touch it and pulled my hand back down.
There was blood all over my hand.

There was crying in the back of the upside down, destroyed car.

I turned my head to see my new born baby brother Thomas not moving and blood coming from his tiny belly.

Cohen was sat beside him crying for him to wake up but he didn't.

I felt dizzy and everything started spinning the last thing I remember before I fell unconscious was the flashing lights of the ambulance.

I woke up to someone shaking me repeatedly.

My mum, Dad and Cohen stood around me watching me as I opened my eyes.

"Honey you okay?" My dad signed. I just nodded and it was then when I felt tears streaming down my face.

"You had another Nightmare again Stella" my mum told me.

"Okay I'm hungry I want breakfast" Cohen said changing the subject to food.

We all went into the kitchen and my mum made us some scrambled eggs on toast.

After I ate I went upstairs to get dressed. The dream still playing on my mind. This happens once in a while where I will have nightmares the day of the accident.

After my shower, I put on a light wash denim skirt with a dark navy cropped jumper. I paired it with my black high top vans and put some mascara and lipgloss on.

I was craving chocolate so I decided to call to the shops to get some. I told my mum that I was going and she offered to take me but I told her that I would walk.

I haven't really seen much since I've been here so it will be good for me.

I grabbed my bag and phone and walked out the front door, closing it behind me.

I was walking around enjoying the fresh air and breeze against my face when I spotted a cute little chocolate shop called the choco fantasy it looked pretty nice on the outside so I decided to go in and have a look.

When I stepped inside a sweet sugary smell hit me instantly it was cutely decorated with lit up lanterns on the ceiling.

I walked up to the stall where hundreds of chocolate bars were displayed to buy.

The different flavours of chocolate were strange and also amazing.

I scanned through trying to pick a flavour

Chocolate chilli

Strawberry cream

Caramel swirl chocolate

Salted caramel pieces

I decided on the salted caramel pieces and I picked it up and went to pay.

The boy at the counter looked around my age and he was quite cute with his brown messy hair and tanned skin. I passed him the chocolate and he gave me a warm smile.

I smiled back and waited for him to scan it so I could give him the money.

One I got the chocolate back I looked back at him to thank him.

He looked at me and then his lips began moving. "Are you new I haven't seen you around before?" He asked.

"Yea I moved a few weeks ago" I said but also signed at the same time.

"Oh are you deaf" he still had a smile on his face so I imagine he was being friendly.

"Ye I am" I replied back.
The shop was pretty empty and I was bored so I just continued chatting to the boy.

"Do you go to Lakeview?" He asked me.

"Ye I started a couple weeks ago" I told him still signing.

"I'm Carter" he held his hand out for me to shake and I took it which resulted in him giving me a big smile.

"I'm Stella" I took my hand away and rested it by my side.

"I'll see you around Stella" I gave him one last smile and turned around to walk back home.

The walk took around 15 minutes and I was back home in my bedroom sat in bed eating my chocolate watching the walking dead.

After 1 episode I remembered about the text messages I didn't reply to last night and got my phone out to reply.

I replied to Charlotte first.

Me: thank you char tell the girls I'm fine and no need to worry I will see use on Monday ❤️x

Then I texted Ace back

Me: thanks I'm fine. Also thank you for getting my necklace it means a lot.

It did mean a lot because the necklace that I dropped was a locket with a picture of my baby brother Thomas before he passed in the accident. I don't think about it too much because it hurts. He wasn't even 1. He didn't even get to live. But I like to keep him as close to my heart as I can.

Before the water works start I shook the memories out of my head and continued watching the walking dead.

The bright light went of around my room telling me someone's at my door. I got up and went to open it.

I opened the door and there stood my four best friends. They all looked super happy and I automatically had a smile on my face.

The girls all rushed into my room and jumped on my bed.

I looked at Charlotte and she said "we needed to make sure you were okay" and then all the girls held up big tubs of ice cream and sweets.

My smile was so big it was hurting my cheeks.

These girls are the most amazing best friends.


Another chapter for you to enjoy ... well I hope you enjoy.

Anyway, have a nice day or night:)

                                                         Katie-may x


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