no answer

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Stella's POV

As it got later into the night Ace walked us back  to the car to drive me home like the gentleman he is.

I don't know what to do about this new feeling I have literally just discovered.

I love Ace
Like really love him

I'm scared
I don't know what to do about it. Do I tell him? What if he thinks it's too soon?

Oh god
I just need to stop overthinking  and breathe

Right now we were on our way home and Ace had his hand on my thigh whist he was driving with one hand.

Damn that's hot

There wasn't any awkward moments, it was just Ace and I.

Around 10 minutes later he pulled up outside my house and we just turned and looked at each other.

We just smiled at each other , Ace still rubbing circles on my thigh

"Thank you for tonight Ace, I had a really nice time" I nodded smiling.

"I'm glad princess" he said back.

We both leaned in for a happiness filled kiss. We both kissed each other with so much contentment and adoration for each other it was just amazing.

We pulled away and Ace till rested his hand on the side of my face whilst I had my hand buried in his hair to which he responded by leaning his head further into my hand.

"I better go, I'll see you tomorrow baby" I said as quiet as I could so I didn't disturb the quiet setting we hand created.

"Damn right you will" he smirked

I just laughed and muttered a soft goodnight and kissed his cheek.

I climbed out of his car and opened the front door, quickly waving at him in his car that was backing out of my driveway.

I watched as he drove down the street and out of view.

I still had a great big grin on my face from being with the one that I love all night.

I closed the door behind me and headed into the living room to say goodnight to my parents and they just looked at my face and smiled because I'm smiling.

I said goodnight and headed up the stairs to get ready for bed.

I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Pulling my pjs on and throwing myself into my soft plush bed.

I sighed in the comfort of being in the heavy duvet and closed my eyes to let sleep takeover.

The next morning I woke up got the sun beaming into my eyes

Fuck, I forgot to shut the curtains before I slept.

Dismissing the curtain problem I grabbed my phone of my nightstand and checked my notifications.

that's weird Ace normally texts me in the morning.

I find no messages from Ace apart from yesterday's.

I decide to text him instead.

Me: Aceeee wake up, I want to see you :)

I wait 10 minutes but I still get no answer.

What's up with him? He normally texts me straight back even if I woke him up.

He mustn't if heard his phone, he might till be asleep.

I climb out of bed and throw on a grey comfy tracksuit because it's Sunday and I don't get dressed in Sunday's.

My hair gets shoved up into a messy bun and my face gets left bare.

I checked the time and it was 11:30am, Ace should be up by now.

So why isn't he replying, fuck sake

I join my mum and dad for breakfast downstairs because my belly keeps reminding me I'm hungry.

"What are we having?" I sign to them when I take my seat on a barstool.

"Bacon on toast" my dad signs back.

I nod just as my mum slides my breakfast over.

I eat it quite fast and then check my phone again.

When I see no reply my face turns down in confusion

My mum notices because she taps my shoulder and asks me what's wrong.

"Ace hasn't texted me back today" I sign to her.

"I'm sure he will honey, if not face time him" she signs back.

I just shrug and drag my feet back upstairs

I occupy myself my watching Greys Anatomy as a distraction to my worrying.

After 2 episodes I decide enough is enough and face timed him.

I try to ring him once, twice but he doesn't answer.

I phone him one last time and on the very last ring someone picks up.


But I regret it when I see Rosa's distraught face appear on the screen.

Her eyes are full of tears and her face is red and puffy from crying.

"Hi Rosa are you okay" I say through the phone and facing the camera to read what she says.

"Stella honey it- it's Ace" I read and then she took a deep breath, her eyes leaking tears. "He got into a car accident last night"

When I read those words from her lips I physically felt the world stop.

My heart started beating inhumanly and I started breathing faster.

I felt like I just had my heart ripped out of my chest.

No, no, no, this can't be happening. Not again

I looked at Rosa's face and whispered in disbelief "wh-what?" I was in pure shock at what I just read from her screen.

"Last night he had an accident, he's in the hospital Stella, I think you should come" I managed to read from her frightened face.

"I'm on my way " I told her quickly and shut the phone of,

I pulled on my sliders and hurried down the stairs.

Shit, I can't drive

"Cohen" I shouted as loud as I could.

"Cohen" I shouted again. Tears of my own were now trickling down my face.

I watched as he ran down the stairs with worry in his eyes.

"What? Why you crying?" He signed really fast.

"Ace, he's in hospital. I need to go" I signed and then opened the door grabbing the keys and running to the car.

Cohen grasped my arm and snatched the keys from my hands and motioned me to the passenger seat.

I took my seat and Cohen started reversing out the driveway.

I couldn't focus all I could think about was how bad is he?

What happened?

Is he okay?

And most importantly,

I didn't get to tell him I loved him

Damn that was an emotional chapter *wipes tear from eye*

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Enjoy this one, don't hate me

Have a nice day or night:)
Katie-may x

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