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Stella's POV

I'm officially 9 months pregnant and now we're just waiting for our baby boys arrival. It could be any day now and my bump is looking huge. The rest of my pregnancy was healthy and seemed to go fast. Everything is prepared for our little one, his cot is next to my bed and his things and clothes are organised in my closet. Ace has the same thing set up at his house. We're not living with each other just yet as We still need to do school and it's easier to live with our parents for the time being.

My parents and Ace have made me walk around the house and keep doing these exercises to get the baby out. Although nothing has worked and I still look like a giant wale. I'm fed up and just want my little one out already.

The Midwife has said that he could be here any day now, hopefully it's today. My back is killing and my feet hurt, I can't see my toes and my boobs are swollen. Whoever said being pregnant is amazing, lied.

I'm now sat on my living room couch in sweats, a white tank top and one of Ace's jackets. It's getting a lot cooler outside as it's October and it's coming into Autumn. Cohen is sat next to me and we're watching Greys Anatomy together. Ace was out with his mum shopping for baby things, as he's clueless on what's best and Rosa offered to help. He's been staying at my house the last couple of weeks because he wants to be here when I finally go into labour.

"I want something spicy" I blurted out of nowhere.

Cohen turned to face me with a confused look on his face.

"You never eat spicy" he signed.

"I know, must be a pregnancy craving" I signed and got up to find something.

I wobbled into the kitchen and searched through the cupboards for anything. I found a jar of jalapeños and opened them, I ate the spicy peppers and it satisfied my craving.

Although it not only helped my craving it also helped break my waters. A gush of fluid left me and wet my pants. My eyes widened and I stood there in shock.

It wasn't until I started feeling pain in my lower stomach that it finally clicked that my boy was on his way.

Oh my god it's happening, it's really happening

"COHEN" I hope I screamed loud enough.

He ran into the kitchen with a lamp in his hand. He held it above his head as if it was a weapon. Wtf

"What happened?" He signed with one hand.

"My" another pain hit me "water broke"

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. The lamp he was holding fell to the floor as he just stared at me in shock.

"Cohen do something, ring mum" I snapped.

He seemed to come to his sense because he pulled out his phone and did as I said.

I focused on something else, which was hard as ever now and again a horrible ache would happen.

"Right she's meeting us at the hospital, we need to go" He signed and then put his hands around my shoulders to help me walk.

"I need mine and the baby's hospital bag, you need to call Ace" I rushed.

"I'll get them, let's get you in the car" he signed and took me to the car. He seated me in the passenger seat, I was still in wet pants and I'm uncomfortable.

He ran back out with our bags a second later and loaded them into the backseat. He rushed to the drivers seat and sped out the driveway.

"Have you called Ace" I groaned, this pain is fucking terrible.

"Yes, he's coming" I only just about saw what he said.

3 minutes later he pulled up outside the hospital and he helped me inside. At the door my mum was waiting for me and she immediately came to help.

They helped me in and got a nurse. She sat me down in a wheelchair and took me to the midwife and childbirth section of the hospital. My mum was with me but Cohen had to wait in the waiting room.

Another pain hit and I let out a little scream. Breathing in and out.

My midwife joined and she helped me into one of the hospital gowns and Into the bed.

Just as she was about to check how many  centimetres dilated I was, Ace came rushing through the door and to my side.

"Princess, I'm here. What's happening? Is he coming?" He questioned. Worry covering his face.

"My water broke, he's coming" I told him. I was sweating and breathing heavily.

He stroke my hair of my head and kissed the top of my head. My mum was taking to the midwife about the baby and I was just sat in pain.

Get this child out of me, I'm in agony for fuck sake.

My mum motioned for me to listen to the midwife and I looked at her

"Okay Stella, I'm going to check your cervix to see how far along your dilated" i nodded my head and she positioned me.

Whilst she did the exam I just hoped this baby would hurry.

"You look beautiful" Ace signed and I scoffed but a smile still laced my lips.

"I doubt it" I replied.

"Right your 4 centimetres dilated which means you are in active labour. You may feel the need to push but I don't want you to do that yet okay. Your contractions are only 7 minutes apart and I'm not going to give you any medication unless you want it" She explained and I muttered an okay

My mum went outside to inform my dad and Cohen on what's happening and she also phoned Rosa.

"Oh my god he's here" I whispered in disbelief.

"Were going to have a baby in our arms soon" Ace also was in shock.

We both looked at each other and smiled. We were so excited.
It's been 7 hours and I'm still in labour and no baby has arrived yet. The pain is unimaginable and I just want the damn child to come out.

My contractions are coming in more frequently and are lasting more than a minute. The midwife checks again and then looks up at me nodding, telling me it's time.

Ace stands up and takes my hand whilst my mum takes my other. I nod and begin to push when she tells me too.

"Push" I see her say and I do. I've never felt pain like it, it's just horrible and it's sickly.

I push and push until she tells me to stop and I'm sure my screams are so loud. My hands are so tight around Ace and my mums hands I'm pretty sure there gonna bruise.

I look at Ace and he looks at me smiling "you did it Princess, he's here"

I sigh in relief, I can't hear his crying so I have to rely on Ace to tell me.

After a couple of minutes the midwife hands me my baby wrapped up in cloth and he's beautiful.

"Hi baby boy" I cry. Tears fall down my cheeks.

I stare down at his little face and his tiny body that's pressed against my chest and smile. His eyes are closed and he looks so cute. I made this gorgeous little baby.

I look up at Ace who's looking at our little one and he looks up at me.

He pressed a quick kiss to my lips and then looks back down to our newborn baby, grinning so big.

"Welcome to the world Romeo Thomas Rivers"
The baby has arrived. I loved writing this chapter. This book is sadly coming to an end very soon :(
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Have a nice day or night:)
                                                      Katie-May x

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