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Stella's POV

I'm able to settle my stomach down before the sick was able to make its presence.

I'm pregnant
What. The. Fuck?

This can't be happening right now, I'm only 18

I looked over to see my mum who was already looking at me

"Mum" I signed with tears in my eyes

"Oh honey, why weren't you safe?" She signs with watery eyes.

"We were" I said out loud

"Are you sure?" I asked the doctor again for confirmation.

"Yes, you are definitely pregnant" he nodded his head

"Fuck" I didn't mean to swear but the words left my mouth.

"There are options Stella if you don't want to keep the baby" the doctor went on to explain.

"Mum, what should I do?" I really needed her opinion right now.

"Stella it's entirely up to you, your 18 now and it's your choice to make. I'm your mother and I'm going to be with you every step of the way" she finished and gave me a weak smile with a few tears down her face.

"Don't rush into anything Stella. I want you to take it easy and think about this, it's not something you can just dismiss" again the doctor clarified.

I nodded with tears still leaking in my eyes.

"For now I want you to pick up the pregnancy vitamins and come back in 3 weeks time for your first scan" he then passed me the prescription and let us leave.

We picked up the tablets and got into the car to drive home.

I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes to just let everything sink in.

I have a little human growing inside me.

I think the first thing I need to do is tell Ace that I'm pregnant. He's the father and he deserves to know before anyone else does.

"Mum, don't tell dad or Cohen. I want to tell Ace first" I whispered through my tears.

I looked at her and she nodded with a slight smile.

I'm so glad my mum is here with me. I don't think I could do this without her.

Although I wasn't expecting this, at all. This baby was made out of love and I don't think I could get rid of my baby. There is a child inside of me, my child, it's just crazy right now.

My mum pulled up outside our house and I headed to my room as soon as we were inside.

I took a seat on my bed and pulled out my phone to get Aces contact up.

Before I began to type thoughts started flooding my head like What if he doesn't want the baby?, Will he hate me?, Is he going to abandon us?

I shook my head and began to type, either way Ace deserves to know

Me: Ace I have something important to tell you, is there any chance you could come to mine right now? x

He replies back almost instantly

Shitface🤍: of course I will be there in 15 minutes, are you okay? x

Me: I'm fine, just please hurry x

I switched my phone of and let my head fall into my hands.

Never in a million years did I think I would get pregnant so early in my life.

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