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I could feel someone's hands on my chest pressing down hard and releasing. It happened about a couple more times before I reached up and stopped them.

I turned on my side coughing up lots of pool water. It felt like someone had burned my lungs.

The same person put their hands on my back to help me get it up.

I slowly opened my stinging eyes and turned back around to be faced with the boy that didn't help me earlier and Ace and the other lad standing watching like they didn't have a care in the world. Although the brown haired boy looked a bit ashamed of himself.

"are you okay?"his lips asked me.

I just shook my head no and started crying.

"m-my che-chest hurts"I cried the pain was to intense.

Everything was burning inside me. My chest had an agonising pain that wouldn't stop and my stomach and lungs felt like they were going to melt that they felt that hot.

The pain was too much and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

I felt the same boy shaking me to stay awake but I couldn't.
The darkness overtook and I fell unconscious.
When I woke up again I was in a hospital room. I looked around slowly and saw my mum sitting in one of the chairs beside my bed with tear stained cheeks.

"mum" I said. To get her attention.

"Stella honey are you ok?"she quickly comes rushing to my aid and checks my forehead before placing a kiss in the same spot.

"mum my chest really hurts"I started to quietly cry when the pain had returned.

"I know baby, just relax okay the doctor will be in shortly"she signed.

I nodded my head and relaxed into the bed trying to keep my mind off the pain.

About 5 mins later the door slammed open and my dad and Cohen rushed in. Both looking slightly scared.

"Stells what happened sweetie" my dad signed  coming to sit beside me.

"I-i" I don't know what to say. I couldn't tell them I was pushed in. We  left England for my parents new jobs but also because I was being bullied and it wouldn't stop. If I tell them that I was pushed in on purpose they would feel bad.

"I fell in the pool on my way back from gym class" I lied.
But Ace isn't getting away with this. The shithead is  going to get what's coming for him.

Cohen made eye contact with me and gave me a look to say he knew I was lying.

"Oh honey your always so clumsy, you could've died if it wasn't for them boys finding you and calling an ambulance."she signed. Tears welling up her eyes.

"Well I didn't so don't worry about me. I'm fine"I signed wanting to be done with the conversation because I wanted to sleep.

Just as my eyes were closing somebody nudged me awake.

I opened my eyes to see the doctor in the room with everyone looking at me.

"Hello Stella how are you" the doctors lips mouthed.

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