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I just want to say THANK YOU for 10k reads. It's amazing and I'm so happy! I never thought this would even get 100 reads so 10k is a massive achievement for me ❤️

Stella's POV

I stood outside the principals office with Kendall, she was stood glaring at me.

"This is your fault bitch" her crusty mouth had the audacity to say.

"If you didn't fucking bother me, we wouldn't be here" I defended, but there's no point wasting my breath. In her mind she's always the right one.

"You deaf slu..." I couldn't be bothered trying to figure out what she had to say so I turned my head.

I looked towards Mr Arthur's room when the door opened and the 5'7 man walked out. He looked fed up when he saw Kendall and then confused when he saw me.

"Come on in girls" he opened the door wider and we walked in. He told us to sit in the two chairs In front of the wood desk.

He sat in the leather chair and faced us both "I heard you both had an argument in biology, I want to know why"

I waited for Kendall to explain her story of what happened before I did "well you see sir she was being really mean to me and rubbing it in my face that she had a boyfriend and I didn't, then she slapped me for trying to defend myself. She's crazy"

Mr Arthur looked my way to clarify what she said

"That's a lie Mr Arthur she came up to me first and decided it would be a good idea to call on unborn child, she doesn't like the fact that Ace is with me and she's jealous. I slapped her because I have had enough of her" I simply said.

"Miss James you know we don't tolerate violence in this school. Kendall I have had enough of girls coming up to me and complaining about you to know that your not innocent" he carried on "Kendall you will have 1 weeks worth of detention as for you Stella you will have to do an extra 3 days for violent behaviour"

I nodded by head, to tired to argue and my baby's kicking like crazy right now. I'm also hungry and want a milkshake.

I turned my head to look at Kendall, who was arguing about the detention.

"If I hear another person come and complain to me about you Miss Silver I will have no choice but to speak to your parents and exclusion may be involved. Miss James I don't want to see you down at my office again please" Mr Arthur finished but told me to stay back, Kendall left with a scowl on her face.

I waited for the principal to explain why he made me stay back but he just wanted to make sure I was feeling okay with the consequence and if the pregnancy was well. He offered me support from the school therapist to discuss my future and plans but I denied considering I have it sorted already.

I left the office and I checked my phone to see class was going to be over in 5 minutes, so I decided to not go back and just head to lunch early.

I walked into the cafeteria and headed to get food, good thing about being pregnant is that the dinner ladies don't question me about being out of class early because they just assume I have permission.

I chose to eat pizza and i got some cookies to go with it. Heading over to our usual table and practically inhaled the food. The bell rand because everybody started pushing through the doors to get food.

I took my last bite of pizza when my best friends joined the table.

"Spill, what happened between you and Kendall" Ellie said. She got my attention by throwing a chip at my face.

"How'd you know something happened?" I questioned.

"Everybody is speaking of it, especially about a slap. Did you slap her?" Ellie further wondered.

So I explained to them about what happened. Including the day they jumped me because I forgot about telling them as my whole attention that day was on my baby.

"I'm gonna kill her" They all started getting angry and all their mouths were moving rapidly.

"That pig, she's just jealous that Stella's gorgeous"

"She fucking did what to my unborn nephew"

"I'm going to pull her hair out one by one"

The boys sat down and Ace sat next to me, pecking my cheek.

"I'm guessing you told them about what happened" He signed.

"Yep" I signed back and he just shook his head.

I told Ace what happened today and he also was pissed.

"Who the fuck does she think she is? I've never liked her, especially not fucking now that she said that to you and about our child" Ace's jaw clenched and his hands curled into fists.

I put my hand on top of his and just shook my head 'no', telling him not to do anything.

The rest of the day went by fast and after detention Ace dropped me of home. I wanted to spend my night snuggled in my bed and watching films.

"Im exhausted" I told him, we were still in the car outside my house.

"Go get in bed and sleep baby, I will face time you later" His hand was on my face, stroking my cheek.

"Okay, I love you" I kissed his lips.

"I love you more" He pecked my forehead and I got out the car.

My night went as said, I had a nap, ate food, and competed last minute homework. Also Grace was over so she joined me in painting my toes as it was a struggle leaning over my bump.

I can't wait for my boy to arrive
Don't you just hate Kendall? I do and I'm the one who created her.
Don't forget to vote ⭐️
Have a nice day or night:)
Katie-May x

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