With a few turns, the lock clicked open, but instead of the door opening like what it was supposed to do, a voice came out of the key hole. What the...

"Who is this?" a feminine voice snarled.

"It is Damien, Mrs. Romano. I bring along with me the entire Russo family." the butler answered, and the feminine voice who I presume to be Samantha hummed.

"Alright. Let me speak with the eldest then." she hummed.

"Yes?" Salvatore answered.

"What was the first thing I said to you when you had just ran out into the forest because you were angry with me?"

Honestly, I had no idea why she was taking this many safety precautions, but it is what it is.

"You shushed me and told me to be quiet." Salvatore answered without hesitation.

Samantha was quiet for a second, taking her time to consider her response.

"And Salvestro?"


"What was the first word you heard from my mouth when I saw him drunk?"

"Run." Salvestro answered.

"Good. You may all enter."

The lock opened, and I was met with the stunningly gorgeous interior of the mansion.

Samantha appeared not a few moments later, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt five times too big for her. She had put her black hair in a messy bun, and her glasses were put on top of her head. Wait a second. Samantha wore glasses?

"You're here!" Samantha said jollily, and wrapped Sandeo in a tight hug.

Feeling awkward, I tried to hide myself behind the wall when her cold, steel blue eyes turned to me.

"Amara." she murmured, and her eyes racked my body from head to toe. "It looks like you packed on some meat and muscle." she observed, and started circling me like a predator stalking her prey.

When she was satisfied, it was as if a switch was flipped. Instead of the cold and brooding personality I saw before, all I saw was a cheery and bubbly woman.

"Welcome to my humble home." she greeted happily, and Santino snorted his amusement. I think she's bipolar or something.

"Humble?" he repeated.

"Yes, humble." Samantha snapped, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Whatever." Santino muttered, and Samantha then lead us towards the kitchen where the amazing scent of pancakes was wafting into the room.

"So, I was trying to learn how to cook, and Rebecca over here was nice enough to try and teach me. Though I just don't think I am cut out for kitchen duty." Samantha sighed disappointedly, and pointed to a huge stash of pancakes that weren't circular and had these weird things drawn on them.

Before I could comment on them, Samantha had already added a few comments of her own. "Yeah, my art skills aren't good."

"You can ask Amara to help you." Salvestro suggested, and I froze as her piercing eyes bore into my head.


"Yeah. Amara is an amazing artist. I'm sure she can help you out." Salvino jumped in, giving me a smirk as Samantha considered the option.

"Then it's decided. Amara, you wouldn't mind teaching poor old me how to draw right?" She batted her eye lashes innocently like a child.

Oh, fudge my life.

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