Joo 24

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Kai is driving Lisa and Jennie to a community center near Jennie's old fishing village. Jennie is excited to show her now-fiance Lisa where she spent her after-school hours for many years.

At the center young girls would gather to learn crafts, dance and sing. Many of the kids would be picked up by their parents after work. Little girls in all-white smocks and shiny black shoes were all from the orphanage. Their faces changed as the child was adopted, fostered or moved to other places.

Jennie gives Lisa a little wave bye as they enter, off to greet teachers she knows. They place her at a table where younger girls are like baby birds waiting for Jennie to read to them. Teaching these eager kids is Jennie's greatest joy in the world. Lisa sees her fiance Jen from across the room and it gives her an idea.

Lisa leans against the wall near the front door and surveys the busy center. One girl in her white smock and black shoes, the smallest student, cautiously approaches Lisa and stares up at her.

"You are very pretty," Joo says.

Lisa crouches to see this friendly girl closer. "Thank you very much. Will you be my unnie today?" Lisa smiles big.

"Yes." Joo's little hand clutches Lisa's pants and she thinks her heart will burst.

Lisa senses this girl is lonely, "Are you happy today?"

"My puppy dog is sick. I love her."

"Tell me about her name."


"Do you know my name?" Lisa smiles wider, "Lisa, friend of Joo."

Joo giggles. Lisa takes her hand, "Tell me about Jisoo."

Joo has never stopped looking at Lisa's face.

Jennie smiles from across the room. Seeing Lisa with her little friend plants a seed in Jennie's mind.

Outside Kai is standing by the Mercedes waiting for Lisa and Jennie. He sees puppies running around the side of the building drinking rainwater from the oily parking lot. 'Not good,' he thinks.

Coming out of the building holding hands, Lisa and Jennie are looking at each other with determination. In the car they both say 'Joo needs us'. Lisa calls her dad immediately.

Then they all get out of the car and begin scooping up puppies. They drive 5 puppies to the closest vet and leave them for treatment. They are examined and given the best care for two days and brought back to good health.

Jisoo with the black-tipped ears is brought back to the community center. Dr. Kai gets the honor of presenting Jisoo back to Joo. He goes down on one knee in front of Joo, places his ear to Jisoo's belly and listens intently. He rolls his eyes to the ceiling for dramatic effect and then nods his head yes and says, "Puppy is good."

Joo is overjoyed as she takes her puppy and Jisoo licks her face up, "She is happy!" Joo cries.

Lisa and Jennie hold hands while looking down at lovable Joo and her best friend, knowing that they are coming home soon.

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