Heaven 16

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Today is a breezy day and it matches Lisa's mood as she is super excited for this day with Jennie. Lisa has something extra special planned and is as jumpy as a puppy.

Lisa rides with Kai to pick up Jennie at their new garden apartment. Like Lisa, the Kims are now on the coast, just farther south than Lisa's penthouse. Her parents' home is a lot farther west near the mountains.

Kai spots Jennie at her building and she bounces out to the car, also in a breezy mood to suit the day. She is wearing a big happy face. Jumping in the car she greets Kai and pecks Lisa on the cheek.

"Whoah, you smell good! You smell like baked bread, oh my gosh come here." Lisa pleads.

"Nope. Seat belted in. Safety before bakery," Jennie cautions. "Yes my Mom is cooking a bunch for the community center, where I used to go after school."

Kai pulls into the Dollar store parking lot. "C'mon Jen, I want to get something. Give me your hand muffin," Lisa jokes.

Even walking into the store, the cashier looks up, "Man you smell good." Jennie facepalms.

"Stay close butter buns. I'm getting a pendant like yours, so we will be matching." Lisa explains.

"That's cool Lisa. Can we look for Kai too?" Jennie asks.

Back in the car they give Kai a stuffed animal caterpillar they claim is a perfect face match. Kai gives him a home on the dash, where he can graze on the leather. After intensive contemplation Kai names him Lewis.

While driving cross-town Jennie latches the chain with the pendant on Lisa's neck, they are now matching hearts. Soon they arrive at the impressive Manoban mansion, so large it seems to be a bank building, not a home for one family.

Jennie is curious. "Come on sweetbread, I want you to see something," Lisa tugs at her. Inside they climb the massive staircase.

"What is here?" Jennie asks, "Wait, I know..."

"This is my childhood bedroom, my mom has preserved everything." Lisa throws open the double doors to show Jennie her background.

Jennie sees a lavendar dream cloud beyond any girl's imagination. "Lisa, oh my this is amazing!"

Lisa watches Jennie cautiously walk around the room in sunlight filtered by lavendar sheers. Even the scent of the room is infused with calming lavendar oil, now combined with fresh-baked Jennie.

In the bathroom there is an ocean of swirly white and lavendar colored marble. The whole suite has an ethereal vibe.

Jennie stands at the foot of the canopy bed, covered in cascading lace and twinkling lights, filled with an avalanche of pillows. When Lisa turns on the crystal candle-style chandeliers the effect is magical. "Oh Lisa can we never leave?"

Lisa steps up to her warm biscuit Jennie bathed in the sparkling lights. "I would dream of my future here in this room at night." Lisa's voice is smoky. "I never knew my Angel would one day stand here with me."

Lisa hands Jennie a lavendar paper rose, "To my first love."

Jennie takes both of her hands and kisses the back of each one, while gazing up at Lisa, "And to you my first love. Thank you for sharing this with me."

"I love you very much Jennie, more than you will ever know." Lisa's eyes are grateful.

Jennie whispers softer than the memories that speak here, "May I ask of you a special favor?"

"Wha...?" Lisa responds, barely.

"Will you dance with me, my love?"

"Yeah..." Lisa breathes.

They lean into each other, gently swaying together as one. This fairy tale come true is as real as a rainbow.

As the warm night air drifts through the open windows, Lisa can feel their hearts beating together. Lisa knows that Jennie is offering her forever heart.

There is now no doubt, here in her childhood room, the girl is now a woman and her desire is to ask Jennie to marry her.

For Lisa heaven is here now, embracing this tender angel.

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