Pop! 10

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Again Kai delivers Jennie to the home in the clouds. He enjoys their time together as she always inquires about his family and University studies.

Kai likes to hear her voice, he thinks she is so soft-spoken and kind and thoughtful. He feels Lisa has found a jewel in this big city.

This Sunday morning Lisa is waiting for her Jennie to arrive. They plan to play house all day long and they will begin with brunch. Jennie will cook and Lisa will serve.

They start with morning orange juice on the balcony. Jennie observes, "We are looking down on rainbows."

Jennie says, "My mom taught me, 'When I see the rainbow I know it is a bridge to my father. He is reaching out to us, telling us all is okay."

"That is nice Jennie, your mom is the best." Lisa smiles warmly.

Jennie is wistful and silent.

Lisa worries that Jennie is lost in thought and that this day may be wrong.

Jennie sees Lisa is concerned, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm okay. Let's eat."

They enjoy brunch but still Jennie is subdued. Lisa is alert that Jennie is preoccupied.

After brunch Jennie is seated on the purple velvet couch as Lisa enters with fruit water. Lisa is eager that they may clear the air if needed.

Jennie is slow to begin, both anxious and frustrated, she shows a puzzled look to Lisa.

"Do you think I am timid, having no sexual experience?"


"Are you afraid to start me?"


"Do you not want to taste me? Is my body not to your liking?" 

Jennie is near hopeless, she does understand why Lisa is reticent.

It pains Lisa to see this torment in Jennie. Lisa says softly, under the sound of her heartbeat, "I respect you and your life with your mom. I like that we grow together. One day it will happen naturally."

Jennie is quiet for a moment, "Mmmhhmm...before we pop!?" They both break a small smile.

Jennie moves closer to Lisa on the couch, but does not touch her. She searches for the words to reach Lisa, "Lisa you are my life. Know that you can tell me anything." She touches Lisa's forearm, "Anything."

Lisa can barely force the words out, so used to keeping her thoughts to herself. "I am ashamed. It is not on you. I crave you inside and out, every inch of your body."

"I have no confidence in me, none at all, and none in my body."

"I am so sorry to you." Lisa's face is pure anguish. "All of my thoughts and feelings are deeply hidden for so long. I hide them from you," Lisa's heart is shredding from the pain she is bringing to Jennie.

Now for the first time in her life Jennie is the strong one.

Monkey climbs Lisa like a tree, "I crave you inside and out, every inch of your body. Never hide again, we are one Lisa." Jennie is hot breath on Lisa's face.

Jennie has saved Lisa's life more than she will ever know.

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