Monkey 6

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Kai has driven Lisa and Jennie to a unique place that he knows. Here they stop and get out and climb on the hood of the Mercedes. They spread out a blanket and snuggle together. Kai wanders away as they scan the dark skies overhead.

Then the first one roars directly overhead. Massive planes are taking off at the airport, so close you feel you can reach out and touch them. People park and enjoy this nightly, some with more fear.

Jennie starts the game with a big smile in Lisa's face. This is fun.

"What is your favorite color? After lavender of course."

"What is your middle name?"

"Your favorite song?"

"Who is your BTS crush?"

This goes on forever. They learn more about each other in an exciting and unforgettable manner.

Then it is Lisa's turn to ask Jennie questions. Jen's face is lit up with pure joy. Lisa tells her, "You are fluffy pancakes!" They giggle like nine year old girls.

Lisa asks the same questions back, savoring this night. Jennie's answers are so different as they have had very different lives. Then Lisa adds more interesting questions of her own thought, to learn more about the fisherman's daughter.

They take a break and snuggle under the blanket to fight off the chill night air falling down. Lisa looks at Jennie's face wondering if this adorable girl was made just for her. Jennie can not get close enough to Lisa, watching her spirit break out and wash over Jennie and warm her inside.

Now they are hungry and investigate Kai's stash of goodies in the car. Lots of healthy food unfortunately. They decide to share a bag of cheesy popcorn.

It is more fun they agree to throw the popcorn at each other's mouth in turn. This becomes hilarious as they are such poor shots the thrown pieces bounce off their faces and soon cover the blanket and then the hood of the car. By the time they reach the bottom of the bag they are starving.

Lisa says their bodies will be found at daylight dead of starvation, surrounded by food. They laugh uncontrollably.

Nearly choking, Jennie wonders about the airplane passengers flying overhead if they look down and pray for the two morons throwing food. She bangs her hand on her lap unable to talk anymore.

Kai returns from the darkness and he is unsure that what he is seeing is really happening, his boss has gone insane. He carefully asks, "What is going on?" as if there is a possible answer. Lisa and Jennie start gathering popcorn pieces from everywhere and throw them at Kai without mercy. He quickly dives into the driver's seat to escape the food fight.

Lisa and Jennie start to sober up and decide it is time to go before they see the dawn. They both agree on one thing: BEST DATE EVER.

Climbing down from the battlefield Lisa remembers one question she had to ask. "What is your astrological birth sign?"

"Monkey!" Jennie hollers.

"HaHaHa!" Lisa is delighted, "You are my Monkey Girl! That explains a lot."

Once in the car Kai is pulling out of the popcorn remains and he tells them a secret, "The good stuff is under the seat!"

Goodnight airport.

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