Zuchinni 12

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Today the sun is shining unrepentant on the city. Lisa is soaking in the sunshine at an outdoor cafe with her coffee. Lisa has time to think while waiting for Jennie to show.

She wonders more than ever what Jennie really sees in her, does she see aimless rich girl? On this sunny day her mind goes to dark shadows.

Then she spots Jennie coming in the distance, always with a bounce in her step. Now her mind brightens and she has to smile freely.

Jennie walks up munching her favorite, seasoned zucchini slices and she presents Lisa with a colorful floral bouquet wrapped in a wide red ribbon.

Lisa is surprised, "Where did you buy these?" She knows Jennie has little money.

"These are wildflowers I picked along the river. Wild for you!" Jennie laughs aloud, her whole face a ball of joy.

"Thank you Jen. I was having a bad moment."

Jennie takes her hand and gazes softly into Lisa's eyes. Now Lisa must ask the question as her heart melts inside. "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course, we met on the beach that day." Jennie says calmly as if giving the time.

Lisa is trying to understand, "Are you surprised to see me again?"

"Mom did not want me to ride my bike alone after I told her how far I traveled. So I could not see you again and I missed your birthday party." Jennie explains like it happened yesterday.

Lisa struggles to understand if Jennie missed the question, then Lisa is painfully aware that Jen has chosen to let the past be the past. The depth of this realization is like a sudden slap to the face for Lisa. She is so selfish to never once consider what Jennie went through, and the feelings she may have carried all these years. 

Changing the subject Lisa starts to ask Jennie a question. "Sit down next to me. I was wondering something..." This is tough she thinks, on a sunny Seoul day with coffee and flowers from her love, asking Jen what her mind struggles to know.

Jennie immediately recognizes what Lisa is asking for, "Is this what I asked you before?"

Lisa nods yes, "Why do you really like me?

Jennie is keen to tell this. "I can tell you exactly when and why. You remember in your car in the rain you told me I must call your driver, he will wait all night? I almost laughed at that time. You were so forceful in will but so sweet in meaning, YOU would wait all night for me to call."

"I was so touched, I am turned inward to help my mom and you opened a low door in my wall. I never had a friend to share the feelings in my heart. I am quiet and you are strong. You called to me with your nature."

Lisa is intense with Jennie, inhaling all her words.

Jennie continues, "I want to tell you, that night in my bed, I kissed my pillow a thousand times saying your name, and I dreamed you all night. And the next day, when you were at my door, I knew that no dream would ever be as good as seeing you."

"I love you very much Lisa." Jennie is happy faced.

"More than zucchini slices?"

"Much more."

Lisa is happy faced now.

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