Concrete 3

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The next day Kai greets Lisa into the Mercedes. Her simple appearance shocks him: straight hair, plain outfit, little makeup, no jewelry.

"To the Kim house, um, Kai."

Lisa steps up to the beaten metal door and knocks. Her mind is full of the caring devotion of the girl and her mother. Kai leans against the car sure lightning is about to strike.

Lisa snaps back as Jennie opens the door, beaming as she greets Lisa.

"Hi! Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Yes, of course." She steps out.

Lisa sees Jennie is radiant.

"I apologize for my words and manner yesterday. My rudeness to your mom and you is horrible. I sincerely apologize."

"Thank you for your words. All I know is your kindness. Thank you for your assistance. Please thank your driver Kai please also."

"I will." Lisa's mouth is concrete.

"Please honor us and enter our home. We will offer you tea." Jennie opens the door and extends her arm in greeting.

Lisa walks into a long, dark room with few possessions.

Sensing her thoughts, Jennie makes tea and explains they lost their home and her father to the spring flooding on the river.

They moved from their fishing village into the city. Now they live with her mom's sister. Jennie works with her aunt in the diner next door.

Jennie left college in her second year to help her mom fighting pleurisy. That's why the clinic visit. This industrial area is not helping her breathing pains.

Jennie smiles wanly to Lisa.

Lisa hears her words but not one word of remorse. She says, "Will you kindly journey with me for an ice cream tomorrow?"

Jennie is looking at Lisa full face.

"I enjoy your words. I learn from your kind heart." Lisa says sweetly.

"Yes." Jennie says shyly looking down at her feet.

For Lisa the urge to take Jennie in her arms and kiss the crown of her head is overwhelming. "I will return at same time, noon tomorrow."

Lisa leaves, about to explode with rising emotions. She longs to just touch Jennie's hand.

Kai drives Lisa home without a word. None is needed, everything is written on her face.

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