Kitten 9

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Together at sunset, laying on the beach, Lisa and Jennie are at peace with the world. The warm sea winds blow over them sweeping time away.

Jennie playfully reaches out to Lisa across the sand, "Will you hold my hand so I don't blow far away from you?"

"Gladly Jen," and she does. "I would do anything for you."

"Anything?" Jennie is bemused.


Lisa takes up the challenge. "I would journey north of the border and punch dumb-dumb boy in his pumpkin head if you required."

"Really?" Jennie sees Lisa is fierce.


"Would you introduce yourself first?" Jennie plays along.

"No way, just POW! Right in the kisser." Lisa asserts.

Jennie has to laugh, she can imagine Lisa telling Kai to just drive through the DMZ because she wills it.

They both slowly melt into their beach towels. The day is perfect and their minds wander silently.

After a while Jennie rolls over and wiggles up to Lisa's towel. Jennie asks Lisa, in a voice softer than the sound of their toes nibbling at the setting sun, "I want to ask you...Why do you like me? I know you say good about me, but...Why me?"

Lisa is a kitten moving to Jennie. Playful and curious with large eyes she says, "I have waited for you to ask this. I tell everyone about your gentle spirit and all is true. But here is my truth to you."

Now Jennie is the kitten, eyes large and attentive.

"I like the way you talk. The way you talk to your mom. The way you talk to my parents. The way you talk to anyone, like Kai."

"And when you talk to me, you pause for a second before you speak. Because in your mind, heart and soul you will NEVER say anything down or mean to me that I may misinterpret."

"Your gentle way makes me want to be extra careful when I talk to you in return. I want to be a better Lisa."

"I never want to say anything low or down to you. That is why you!" BIG SMILE.

Jennie's eyes are filled with tears that do not fall.

Their toes have now eaten the sun.

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