Double 23

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Lisa is home waiting for Jennie to visit after work. Still living in the penthouse, Lisa is sorting through her things, the place half full from years of marathon shopping. She has to be out in three days, her home is already sold.

Outside a big sunny day is now replaced with a big rainy day. Lisa hopes Jennie misses the heaviest rain traveling here. Then Ring! Bang! Jennie rushes in the door dripping water all over the marble floor and jumps into Lisa.

"Ooommph!" Lisa exhales.

"Your monkey is home!" Jennie says grinning from ear-to-ear. She grabs Lisa and pulls her to sit by the roaring fireplace together.

"Did you get soaked by the rainstorm?" Lisa runs to get a thirsty towel. "Here Jen. Why are you grinning at me?"

"Yes I got wet running to the train station. I don't care!"

Lisa looks at her puzzled.

"I get off work, sun here. Go to train platform, rain here, sun there."

Lisa tilts her head at Jennie, she is different and talking super fast.

"I am riding the train to here and I see the rain drops on the windows and I get sad."

"Why?" Lisa is worried.

"I see in my mind I make your face sad. I told you what cannot have. I took your wishes away for my reason. I am so selfish taking marriage and children away from you. I think like other society. Please know my understanding is what I see. I am so, so sorry Lisa. I love you so much."

"It is okay. Okay," Lisa is hollow.

"No, because now we both are sad. We may become apart." Jennie's voice is cracking, "I wound you by my thoughts."

Lisa is silent, seeing no hopeful path.

"So I'm walking the train platform with my head down and when I look up I see a rainbow in the dark sky, it is very bright and near to me. So I stepped up close to the ledge..."

"Did you jump?"



"I jumped up and down! It was a double rainbow!!"

"Oh sure, like your mom says," Lisa figures.

"No, this is mine. Big and full and both touching the ground." Jennie is thrilled.

Lisa is full face with Jennie and confused.

Jennie is pumped, "I saw them and then it hit me: Two rainbows together. The same. Painting the sky for everyone to see."


"It is just like us, together for everyone to see. I CAN MARRY YOU!"


"We are RAINBOWS!!! I love you and I'm proud!!"

Lisa drops to her knees and hugs Jennie. Trembling with anticipation Lisa looks up and takes Jennie's hand. "Monkey will you marry me?"

"YES! YES! YES! I love you Lisa Manoban. I want to be your wife."

They dissolve into each other and sparks fly from static electricity.

_ _ _ _ _

Far across town Kai is studying in the library at University. He feels the hair on his arm stand up. 'Did lightning just strike?' Kai bangs his fist on the table in the quiet room, startling people. Kai realizes with a sly grin that the Billionaire's daughter has just reeled in the Fisherman's daughter.

"Good driving Kai," he congratulates himself.

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