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Driver Kai pulls up in front of Jennie's home and Lisa jumps out, when she rings the bell Jennie answers smiling.

"Happy birthday Lisa!"

"I am here dressed in fun play clothes you said," Lisa explains.

"Yes, perfect. Let's go if you wish," Kai loads her packages in the trunk.

First stop on the list given to Kai is bicycling along the beach boardwalk. They choose their rentals and Jennie says, "This was my favorite thing to do growing up, I wanted to ride all day. Now I want to ride with you."

The breeze blows their hair wild and Lisa has a wide grin, "Cool," she hollers to Jennie.

Next Kai takes them to mini-golf. "Jen this is so fun!"

Third stop is the park for a picnic lunch. Jennie gives Lisa a basket of homemade cupcakes decorated with white icing and lavender colored X's and O's. Lisa is speechless at Jennie's endless creativity.

Now they will work off lunch at indoor sports court. Jennie has chosen rock wall climbing for beginners. They are pretty good climbers but back down nearing the highest points, just to be safe.

Lisa's eyes are wide open, having so much fun, all from Jennie's ambitious list.

Now for calming Kai drives to the Aquarium where they enter the cool darkness. It is very romantic for Lisa walking around for the first time hand-in-hand with her girlfriend on her birthday.

Later waiting for Kai to bring the car Jennie hands Lisa her present, a handmade birthday card with pressed flowers.

Inside Jennie has written a poem to Lisa like an allegory about their relationship. The words read like a journey through seasons and of moon and stars, and how sharing these things makes life have meaning.

Lisa feels her life has just begun. She leans against Jennie and breathes her in, "Thank you my love." Jennie turns shy.

Too excited to be tired, Kai next drives them to neon bowling. Waiting on the lanes are Lisa's best friends from society Cho-Hee and Mi-Sun. Painfully loud SCREAMS erupt at the surprise.

They all bowl and laugh and talk loud. They pretend to have bad secrets about Lisa to tell Jennie. Everyone munches on XOXOXO cupcakes.

Next stop is dancing. Four girls hit the floor laughing out loud like fools. Lisa is a terrible dancer but doesn't care, this is her birthday.

Cho-Hee and Mi-Sun corner Jennie before leaving and thank her for being Lisa's friend. "We are now your sisters for life!" they declare.

Kai comes to claim them and they tumble into the back of the car, exhausted.

Jennie assures Lisa all day Sunday they will lay flat and still as pancakes. Lisa offers to be warm butter and hot syrup on Jennie. Jen is coy.

Lisa is glowing from the attention Jennie has brought her on her birthday. She declares it the 'BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!'

One Wish. Twice Granted.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant