"I don't know." Wanda said. She passed her brother in the hallway." Hey Pietro. Party at Starks place Saturday. We going?" Wanda asked. "Yeah. As long as my other friends can come." Pietro said. "What other friends?" Clint asked.

"They're freshman." Pietro said. "Oh god, not freshman." Natasha groaned. "Trust me they're chill. One of them is T'challa's little sister. You know the other girl. Michelle Jones." Pietro said. "Oh yeah. If they hang with MJ they're probably cool." Natasha said.

"So then we're going. I'll go ask them." Pietro said. He waved bye to his sister and her friends and left out the main building to head to the science building. The science building didn't have many students with classes in the morning so it was a lot calmer.

"Hey guys." Pietro said spotting his friends. "Hey Piet." Peter said. "Sup Loser." MJ greeted. "Colonizer." Shuri said. "Hey man." Ned waved. "You guys busy Saturday?" Pietro asked. "Why?" MJ asked.

"Don't tell me this is about Starks Party." Shuri groaned. "You were already invited?" Pietro asked. "Yeah. My brother said I could come and bring them." Shuri said. "The Captain of the football team invited Peter." Ned said.

"Steve Rogers? Why?" Pietro asked. "He saw me messing around with my cousin Miles and his friends at the park playing football and he thought I would be great on the team." Peter explained. "And you turned him down?" Pietro asked.

Peter nodded. "I'm a freshman. I am not in the mood to be the youngest person on a team of sweaty guys with testosterone." Peter explained. "Why not? I'm on the soccer team." Pietro said. "That's your thing Pietro. I will stay in my lane inventing stuff with Shuri and reding with MJ." Peter said.

"What about that archery team that Barton leads?" Ned asked. "I've never picked up a bow in my life." Peter said. "Yes you-" Peter elbowed ned. "I mean oh yeah. You haven't." Ned said. Pietro looked skeptically to the freshman.

"So you're coming then?" Pietro asked going back to the party topic. "Yeah. We're down." MJ said. "Cool. You guys have lunch then study hall right?" Pietro asked. They nodded. "Why don't you come with me, my sister, and our other friends for lunch." Pietro suggested.

"Depends. Where you going?" Peter asked. "Uh I think they're going to like Chipotle ot ATLA." Pietro said. "I guess we could come." Ned said. "Meet us in the Art building after whatever class you have." Pietro said. 

"I've got no classes til study hall so I'll be in the lab." Peter said. "I'm coming with you." Shuri said. "Alright." Ned said. "See you guys." MJ said. They all split and went to different directions. 

After 50 minutes of boredom they leave class to meet up with eachother. "Hey MJ." Peter greets as her and Ned step in. "Where's Pietro?" Ned asked walking over. "I don't know." Shuri said. "Hey Guys, over here." Pietro shouted.

The four friends walked over. "Ok. Freshman friends meet sophomore and junior friends. Sopomore and Junior friends meet freshman friends." Pietro said. "Hey MJ." Nat greeted. "Hey Nat." MJ replied.

"I'm MJ. That's Peter, Ned, and Shuri." MJ introduced herself and her friends. "T'challa's little sister?" Hope asked. Shuri nodded. "Well I'm Clint. Thats Natasha, Hope, and Wanda." Clint said. "And this is scott." Hope said waving over her other friend. 

"Nice to meet you." They all said at the same time. "So your the ones Pietro invited to Starks Party." Wanda said. "We had all already been invited." Ned said. "By Shuri's brother?" Clint asked. "They were invited by T'challa. I was invited by Steve." Peter said.

"Rogers? Like the football captian?" Scott asked. Peter nodded. "No offense but why?" Hope asked. "None taken. He saw me playing football with my cousin who's in highschool and wants me on the team. I turned him down though." Peter said.

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