Chapter 15: Trees

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So I don't really know what hospitals do for people who try to commit not alive, So, This is what they do in this universe and not IRL. . . (Late chapter)


I opened my eyes to see a giant forest all around me.

Fog covered the leaf and twig strewn floor, Making everything appear fuzzy and blurry.

Looking around, I noticed that the trees around me appeared sickly and unwell.

I felt nervous and frightened, The dark and eerie woods were not helping at all.

A shiver ran up my back, A feeling of being watched setting off every alarm in my mind.

I started to raise my arms, About to cross them in an attempt to warm myself.

However, I felt a tug at my wrists.

Holding my arms out slightly, I looked down at my wrists only for my eyes to widen in shock and a bit of horror at the sight before me.

Lines of blood colored wires dug into my wrists, Tearing the skip back to reveal exposed and slightly cut veins.

My hands started to tremble as my heart started to beat in my throat, A cold horror rushing through me.

Did. . . Did I do this?

A choked sob escaped my mouth as I stared down at my wrists, Realization at what I had done rushing over me.

I couldn't even kill myself. . . Couldn't even do that right. . .

My eyes stung slightly as warm tears started to spill out, Trailing down my face, Leaving faint warmth and a sense of sorrow behind.

The forest around me seemed to shudder slightly before the ground beneath me slowly opened up, Leaving me to fall into un-fulfilling solitude.

--- Awake ---

A steady beeping sound was the first thing I noticed as I woke up.

 Where am I?

My body felt heavy and tired as I mentally did a check list on how many limbs I still had.

Much to my surprise, I still had all my limbs.

I slowly opened my eyes, Looking around at the bleak feeling bright white room.

The walls were mostly bare, A few charts being the only thing on them.

The source of the beeping was easily spotted while I looked around.

I was hooked up to monitors next to the bed, My heart beat and a bunch of other things I had no clue about were calmly beeping steadily.

Sadly showing, I was still alive.

I. . . Failed?

My eyes snapped down to my wrists, They were covered in bandages and what oddly enough looked like padded weights of some sort.

I tried to raise my arm only to find out, They were in fact weights and I could not lift my arm because of them.

What am I going to do? I'm still alive. . .

Just as I was starting to sink into sorrow the door to this bleakly white room opened.

A doctor wearing an equally white coat walked in, Looking down at the clipboard as he walked.

He glanced up before blinking in surprise, His blue eyes widening before a practiced smile crossed his face.

''Well, Good to see you awake!'' The doctor said cheerfully, Moving over to the bedside.

''You have a few people who want to see you'' The man explained as he set the chart at the foot of the bed.

He moved over to where my arms were, Unstrapping the weights and holding my arm firmly as he lifted it up.

He examined the bandages before putting the weight back on, Pinning my arm back to the bed.

''Well, You have someone waiting outside to see you, I'll send him in'' The doctor said, Grabbing the chart and heading back out.

I looked back down at the blanket over my body, My mind slowly numbing, Disappointment and shame boiling inside my heart.

Looks like I'm stuck here for a while. . .

The quiet creak of the door opening caught my attention.

I did raise my gaze as footsteps approached the bed, My heart beat picking up nervously as a numb feeling started to fill my heart.

My body flinched slightly as a gloved hand rested on the weight over my wrist.

I didn't need to look up to know who it was, The familiar feeling of someone watching me setting off my mental alarm bells.

''Are you feeling better?'' A familiar German accented voice asked quietly, A hint of what I assumed was anger hiding in his voice.

I didn't say anything, I didn't think I could without my voice breaking or something.

Instead, I weakly nodded my head, My eyes feeling like they were going to start to water.

A slight heat was forming behind my eyes, Making them water slightly, My vision blurring slightly as I blinked.

He moved his hand up to my shoulder, Squeezing slightly in what seemed like a attempt at slight reassurance.

''Aspen, Speak.'' He ordered quietly, His voice slightly gruff.

I glanced up at him briefly, Trying to keep my composure as my eyes met his brown gaze.

His eyes narrowed slightly as our eyes locked, Fear blooming in my heart.

''Welchen Dämonen stehen Sie gegenüber?'' He whispered under his breath before letting my arm go.

''Why did you do this?'' He asked quietly, Tapping my wrist lightly.

I stared back down at my lap silently for a moment before quietly whispering, ''I'm sorry''.

The tears in my eyes were threatening to spill over as I tried to keep my composure.

I must have inconvenienced him. . .

He didn't say anything back to that.

His silence was starting to wear on my composure when he finally did something.

His hand moved to grip my chin firmly, Turning my head to face him.

''Why?'' He asked again quietly, His eyes locking with mine.

I tried to keep up my composure however, A tear slipped down my face, Leaving a warm trail behind.

Emory sighed, His hand moving to cup my cheek, His thumb moving to wipe the tear off my face.

''I will drop the question for now'' He muttered quietly, Still gently holding my face as more tears started to slip past my eyes.

He patiently wiped the tears from my face, Quietly hushing me under his breath.

He must be second guessing saving me. . .

I can't even deal with my emotions. . . I'm a disappointment. . .


Alllright, Aspen is still alive! Any guesses who the other person who wants to meet Aspen is?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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