Chapter 7: Self defense

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Alright! Another late chapter T-T


Everyone hurried to get up, Moving to the rows between our desks.

I winced slightly as some kids bumped into me, Too busy trying to get their desks to the walls to care bout their surroundings.

As soon as I placed my hands on my desk a hand grabbed me by my wrist.

I felt tingles race up my arm, Making me shiver slightly as I turned my attention to Channing. 

''Move my desk. Now.'' Channing ordered, His grip tightening on my wrist.

I winced and lowered my head, Nodding nervously.

But. . . My desk won't be moved in time then. . .

I placed my hands on Channing's desk, Starting to slowly push it towards the wall, Not even trying to disobey.

Before I could push it more than a few inches a gloved hand reached out and grabbed my wrist.

I flinched away from whoever grabbed me, Cowering back slightly as I attempted to weakly tug my arm out of the gloved hand.

I froze however as I realized how I reacted to such a simple action, Hell, The person wasn't even holding my wrist too tightly.


''He will not be moving your desk for you'' A familiar deep German accented voice said quietly next to me.

My eyes flicked over to the taller man as he simply moved my hand off of Channing's desk.

''Go back to your desk'' Emory ordered calmly, Letting my wrist go.

''Hey. Don't tell him what to do. Only I can do that.'' Channing snapped out, Moving to stand right in front of Emory, His chest puffed out to try and make himself appear bigger.

Emory just arched an eyebrow before crossing his arms slightly, Staring down at Channing.

''He has his own things to do, As do you.'' Emory ordered calmly and quietly, His accent picking up a bit as he spoke.

Channing opened his mouth, About to clearly start yelling at the much taller man before someone cleared their throat.

I nervously glanced back only to pale as I noticed the rest of the class had already finished the simple task and were watching us with mixed expressions.

Most of them were looking at me with annoyance, The worst was Katy, She was glaring at me with pure hate.

''Ya gonna join us or not Emory!?'' Tim called out, Grinning wildly.

The German arched a eyebrow at his grinning companion before sighing, ''I will be with you in a second'' He muttered before moving to stand beside me.

I blinked up at him, Confused and more than a little nervous.

''Grab your chair'' He instructed as he started to move my desk towards the wall.

I glanced back slightly to see Channing giving me a death glare as Tim started to move the other boy's desk too.

I lowered my head, Meekly carrying the chair and setting it down next to my desk.

''Come on everyone! Lets group together at the front of the class!'' Daniel said cheerfully, Clapping his hands together as he spoke.

''Shut up.'' Channing snapped at the far too cheery man.

Daniel actually looked shocked and somewhat hurt by that, ''Language Channing'' He chided.

Channing lowered his head, Clearly faking sorrow, ''Sorry sir'' He said, Barely contained sarcasm dripping from his voice.

 I kept my eyes trained on the floor as I hurried back over to stand on the outskirts of the group of kids.

There was quiet murmuring as Channing moved to stand in the middle of the mass of kids.

Everyone shut up however as Emory cleared his throat, ''Alright Kinder, Tim and I will demonstrate some self defense moves before you all practice them with each other'' Emory explained, Walking back and forth in front of our group like a drill sergeant.

''Now, Everyone knows, The best way to win a fight is to avoid it'' Tim explained, Moving to stand beside his boss.

''However that's not always a option, So it's good to know how to defend yourself if need be'' Tim continued, Emory finally moving backwards to stand in the middle of the cleared classroom.

''The first thing to know is how to break away from an arm grab'' Emory explained, His accent seeming to calm down a bit.

''Now the reason this is so important is because. . . Well I actually don't know but Emory most likely does'' Tim said cheerfully, Making a few kids snicker as Emory just facepalmed.

A small amused exhale escaped me just as Emory was looking back up, His eyes landed on me, Making me shut up quickly, My eyes training on the floor.

''Simply put, Many attackers will attempt to grab their target by their arms first to stop them before getting a better grip.'' Emory explained, Moving to grab Tim by the shorter man's arm.

''Now we'll show you guys two ways to get out of a arm grip, First one, Take your hand, twist it slightly it so your fingers are facing the sky, This should twist your attacker's wrist at a uncomfortable angle'' Tim explained as he slowly did so.

We all watched in surprise as sure enough, Emory's arm moved at an angle that looked almost painful as he tried to keep his grip before releasing the shorter man.

  ''Now than, I do hope you all watched closely because now it's time to try the first move out on each other!'' Tim said happily, Rubbing at his wrist slightly as he moved to stand in front of us.

''Alright class! Kate you're with Toby. . .'' Daniel was starting to assign partners but I was already tuning him out.

The Asprin's wearing off. . .

My head was starting to throb dully as I started to become aware of the soreness in my limbs.

''That leaves Channing and Aspen!'' Daniel said right as I was starting to tune back in to the world.

I nodded shakily as I moved to stand next to my class partner, Said boy was glaring at me coldly as I moved my bruised arm behind me, Attempting to hide it.

''Alright, Lets practice the first one'' Daniel said far too cheerfully, Both of the officers had moved by now so they could watch our little groups closely.

I stared at Channing nervously as my eyes watered the slightest bit from the pounding in my head.

The other boy just grinned coldly as he reached out and grabbed my hurt arm from behind my back.

I flinched ever so slightly, Clenching my jaw to try and stop from straight up crying as the other boy tightened his grip, right. on. the. bruise.

I'm gonna die today . . .


Alright, So this is actually a self defense move. . . Pretty sure I explained it poorly but yeah. . . Any guesses on whats going to happen?

Anyways! Like always! Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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