Chapter 81: Family

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And here we go again


Reaching out to loosely hold his hand, I tugged him hurriedly in the direction of the kitchen, Doing my best to not look like I was fleeing from the room full of people despite that being exactly what I was doing.

Once we were inside the cozy and fairly quieter room, I released Emory's hand, Turning to face him as I did so.

He looked a bit confused until he saw the expression on my face.

''Are you alright Aspen?'' Emory questioned slowly, Concern in his voice as he reached a hand up, Gently holding my face.

''A-Am I alright? Y-you were the one being yelled at-'' I started to say before realizing I was accidently raising my voice, Feeling guilty, I trailed off, Stopping what I was saying.

Emory was staring at me, His brow furrowed slightly.

Is. . .He going to yell at me for raising my voice?. . .

He nodded slowly before giving me a small closed mouthed smile.

''I am perfectly alright Aspen, You have nothing to be concerned about'' He soothed, Moving both his hands to rest on my face, Gently coaxing me to look him in his eyes as he spoke.

''But. . .T-That man was yelling at you. . .'' I muttered, Confused why he was taking this all so well.

I'd be curled up and crying by now if that was me being yelled at. . .Maybe I'm just a coward. . .

''That man is my father, He is very much hard of hearing, He did not mean to be yelling'' Emory gently explained, Moving closer to me so I could lean a bit more on him.

Furrowing my brow in confusion, I blinked a few times, Having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that someone would raise their voice without being angry.

''So. . .H-he wasn't mad at you?'' I questioned hesitantly.

''No, He is not'' He assured me, Letting me go now that I was a bit calmer.

''I'm sorry. . .I didn't know you two were just talking'' I murmured apologetically, Feeling guilty for most likely interrupting a nice conversation.

''You have nothing to be sorry for, If need be I can very easily explain all of this to him if he is upset'' Emory assured me, Easing away some of my worries.

''Ah that's good to hear because I know I would very much like an explanation, Is this another 'Jay and Alex' situation Emory?'' A sudden southern accented voice demanded from the doorway, Making both Emory and I jolt slightly in surprise.

''Mother-'' He started to say, Moving slightly so I could see the elderly woman watching us from the doorway while still staying between the two of us.

''It's a simple yes or no question darling.'' The elderly woman interrupted, Moving into the kitchen as she spoke.

Thankfully no one else was with her currently.

''No mother, It is not'' Emory murmured, Gently moving me behind him as he spoke, Confusing me even further.

Jay and Alex? What? Is. . .Is that a code or something?

''Thank goodness. . .I swear you give all of us heart attacks every time you go 'no contact' with us boy, Do you know how worried we were when we heard from Samuel that you were having issues with your soulmates?'' She questioned, Marching right up to her much larger son.

''I am sorry, I was quite busy and unable to speak with you, Father or Mom,  I was not going 'no contact' '' Emory soothed, Still standing between her and I, A barrier between the southern woman and me.

My hands were shaking by now, Positive I was going to be in trouble or something.

''No no now you know damn well not to apologize for something out of your control boy. Next time at least let us know you're okay though'' She amended, Gently patting his shoulder before turning her attention to me.

I fearfully shrunk back closer to Emory.

''Now then, Who is this?'' She questioned, Trying to move around Emory to reach me.

Thankfully, Emory, The sweet sweet man moved as well, Blocking her.

''Mother, This is my soulmate Aspen. Aspen, This is my mother'' Emory introduced, Gesturing between us but still not moving aside.

''H-Hello'' I whispered fearfully, Nervously wringing my hands to keep them from shaking.

''Come now, Emory move aside, Let me get a good look at him'' She scolded, Trying to shoo her son to the side.

''Mother, You are scaring him'' He chided, Catching onto my fearful fidgeting and instantly swooping in to protect me.

A small warm and fuzzy feeling was blooming in my chest at his actions.

''What? Why would I be scaring him?'' She questioned, Thankfully quieter than before.

Emory glanced down at me before turning back to the elderly woman, Telling her something in that complicated language he was speaking to his father with.

''Hmm. . .Fine, But I do expect an explanation young man.'' She scolded, Gently poking Emory in the chest before leaving the kitchen.

Both Emory and I just stood there for a moment before slowly, He turned to face me again.

''Are you alright?'' He checked, His voice gentle and quiet.

My heartbeat was thudding away unsteadily.

''I-I'm fine'' I whispered, My voice far quieter than I intended.

''Do you wish to go back upstairs?'' He offered, Reaching out to tuck a chunk of hair back behind my ear where it belonged.

I. . .Do but I don't want to leave you to deal with them alone. . .

''N-No. . .No, I'll be fine'' I assured him, Doing my best to remain outwardly okay.

 We stared at each other quietly for a moment before his eyes softened, A small, Closed mouthed smile on his face.

''You are so brave'' He complimented, Gently placing a kiss on my forehead before backing off.

I hesitantly reached out, Grabbing onto his hand as we both headed back to the living room.

''Emory?. . .Who is Jay and Alex?'' I asked quietly, A bit afraid to know but also curious to learn anything about my boyfriend.

Much to my surprise. . .He winced slightly at those names.

''They. . .Are of no concern right now.'' He muttered cryptically before we both stepped back into the room with his family, All talk between the two of us stopping as his family returned to talking to him.

Did. . .He seem scared?


Mmmm. . .His family means well. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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