Chapter 59:

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Daniel Pov. . .


We passed cage after cage of animals.

Lions, Hyenas, Zebras. . .

Is he okay. . .

My thoughts had been dwelling on my little soulmate, Aspen.

He had looked so withdrawn and apathetic.

Considering what he had done last time, I was very worried about how the odd accented boyfriend of his would handle him.

He is an officer. . .I think. . .Not to mention I'm pretty sure he had helped Aspen when he had his 'incident'. . .

I kept my smile firmly on my face despite the concern building up inside me.

''You look creepier than normal, Something the matter?'' Channing asked, Making me pause slightly as I glanced down at the single student I was leading through the zoo.

The class president. . .Tod. . .Or Toby. . .Was leading most of my group I had been leading earlier today seeing as most of his group had to go home.

''You. . .Think I'm creepy?'' I questioned, A little saddened by that.

Despite that, I kept my now slightly strained smile on my face.

Channing at least had the decency to look a bit sheepish about that though.

''I dunno, I mean. . .You dress in all white and never stop smiling, Kinda cult-y and creepy'' Channing said, Shrugging as he spoke.

I hummed quietly, Looking around at the people around us.

The parents were subtly moving their kids away from us, Giving Channing and I a wide berth.

So many faces. . .So many judging faces. . .

I forced my smile to be even brighter as I started to guide Channing towards the zoo entrance.

''Well. . .It's about time we return to school'' I muttered, Doing my best to keep up a cheerful attitude.

Don't want to ruin the day for my students. . .

''So. . .How're you gonna let the other group leaders know it's time to leave?'' Channing asked as I pulled out my phone, Sending out multiple texts to the trust worthy students I had assigned to lead the little groups.

''Oh! I just sent them a text'' I answered simply before putting my phone back away, Turning my full attention to Channing.

''That. . .Was surprisingly easy. . .I was expecting it to be a lot more complex'' Channing mused, Pulling out his phone as he spoke.

My smile briefly faltered as I noticed his screen saver out of the corner of my eye.

It was a picture of Aspen on the verge of tears.

''Uh. . .Mr. Wolf? Would you please explain your screen saver?'' I asked cheerfully, My professional voice a bit strained in my confusion and concern.

Why. . .For what reason could he possibly have that picture as a screen saver?

Channing just arched an eyebrow, Slowly turning off his phone and putting it away.

''Why do I have to explain it?'' He asked, Dodging the question as my heart clenched slightly.

Oh Channing, Please don't tell me you have a big problem with Aspen. . .

I remembered Channing had a really bad relationship with one of the other students, But for some reason I couldn't remember which one.

He seemed to have a problem with Aspen, But I didn't think it was more than just a little bit of dislike.

''It seems rather. . .Poor of a choice for a screen saver'' I said slowly, Trying to remain cheerful while choosing my words carefully.

''Yeah well. . .I think it's a good screen saver'' He muttered, Sulking as we finally reached the zoo's entrance.

 Sighing, I forced my smile back into place as we met up with the other groups of students.

Don't ruin the mood. . .

--- Time skip ---

 After getting everyone safely back to school and eventually, Back with their parents, It was just Channing and I left in the classroom.

He had gotten a call from someone, I assumed it was his parents, Explaining that they'd be late picking him up today.

So that left us alone together.

Channing had moved to sit in the spare rolling spiny chair us teachers sit in, Rolling it over to sit next to me as he slowly spun from side to side, Clearly bored.

I was finishing writing up a bit of paperwork I had to do to explain why Kate and the other girl. . .The loud one with curly brown hair and anger issues. . .

Bertha?. . .No. . .I don't know anyone under seventy who's named Bertha. . .It started with a B though. . .Oh right! Betty!

Restacking the two papers, I stood up slowly from my chair, Wincing as my joints let out a whole symphony of pops and cracks.

Oh gosh I should have stretched out a bit. . .

''Where're you going?'' Channing asked as soon as I stood up, Standing up as well as he spoke.

''Just have to take some paper work down to the office, You can wait here if you want'' I assured him, Starting to head to the door before Channing nearly tripped over his own feet to follow me.

I held out my hand, Helping him when he tripped over his feet briefly.

He let out a wordless sound of thanks as we both fell into step with each other, Walking through the empty school hallways.

No one wants to stick around school longer then they have to, Not the students and defiantly not the teachers.

''Hey Daniel? You know you don't always have to smile and all that shit'' Channing said after a while of us walking in peaceful silence.

I paused, Glancing down at him and was about to respond before he spoke again.

''Not only is it creepy as hell but your smiles look like they might be hurting by now, Like. . .I've almost never seen you without a smile on your face'' Channing continued, Starting to get fired up by now.

I chuckled quietly, Shaking my head as I continued to smile.

''I'm sorry if my smile creeps you out'' I started to say before he quickly cut me off.

''No no look. . .I don't mind your smile but. . .You're always smiling.  . .No one is that happy. . .You've got to be faking it and all'' He accused.

I just blinked slowly down at him before letting my smile drop.


Slightly late?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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