Chapter 83:

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Here we go. . .


Robin, Lacy and I played Jenga for what felt like forever, The two cousins refusing to concede victory to the other one.

It took a while, But slowly I warmed up to both of them, Laugher easily filling the air between the three of us.

I had gotten to know a bit about both of them in our time together as well.

Through our multiple rounds of Jenga, I found out that (1: Robin was a master at Jenga and was to never be challenged, (2: Lacy is very easily distracted, Especially when it's one of her soulmates texting or calling her, And finally (3: Emory's family is a very close knit one, Knowing almost everything about everyone in their little clan.

They told me stories they themselves had been told about the trouble Emory and his adopted siblings had gotten into when they were younger, Not sparing a single detail Potentially even overexaggerating a few details and sending us all into small fits of laughter with the dramatic way the two of them spoke. 

All of that came to an end though when the rest of the family returned, The three of us falling silent as their parents quietly told Robin and Lacy that it was time to go.

A guilty tension filled the air between all of them for some reason, Emory following close behind them, Like a sheepdog herding them towards the door and keeping them away from me.

More than a few of them were giving me sympathetic looks as they gathered up their stuff and kids though, Making me uncomfortable.

''Hope to see you again on better terms Aspen'' Robin called out while their parents hustled them out of Emory's home.

''What are you talking about? I liked these terms, This was pretty fun all things considered'' Lacy muttered to her cousin as she followed them out as well.

Thankfully, Emory was being my knight in shining armor and preventing anyone other than the two of them from speaking to me.

I was curled up on the couch while all this happened, Watching with wide eyes as this went down, Emory handling everything.

''Young man. You better bring your soulmate around sometime. We all want to meet him on better terms'' One of Emory's mothers chided, Easily holding her ground against her son's attempts at removing her from his home.

''Goodbye. Mom.'' Emory stated firmly to that, Neither agreeing nor disagreeing all the while still doing his best to remove his relatives from his home.

''Don't forget to get plenty of sleep, You look exhausted'' His other mom added on, Quickly grabbing my boyfriend's face to tug him down enough so she could give him a kiss on his forehead.

''I will mother- '' He started to say before his father cut him off, Saying something loudly to him from outside.

''Oh honey! Don't tease him!'' The other mother chided loudly, A laugh in her voice.

''I know I know Emory, You want to spend what little time off you have with your soulmate, We won't keep you any longer'' The first elderly woman said loudly, Cutting off whatever my boyfriend was about to try and say.

''Thank you mom. . .Love you'' Emory murmured, Some of the tension leaving him as he spoke.

The elderly woman smiled fondly, Gently patting his arm, Quietly saying something to Emory before waving and leaving with the other woman and everyone else.

 While all of this was happening, I kept as quiet as I could, Not wanting to mess up whatever was going on between Emory and his family.

Finally though, Emory shut and locked the door, Leaning heavily against it for a moment, Making me a bit concerned.

''E-Emory?'' I called out quietly, Drawing his attention and a quiet 'Hmm?' from the visibly tired man.

''Are you. . .Okay?'' I asked hesitantly, Slowly getting up as I spoke.

Despite knowing Emory is nothing like my dad, I still was a bit cautious to approach him, Learned habits are hard to forget after all.

Is he okay? Is he sad? Stressed? I tend to get distressed when I'm talking to my dad. . .Did Emory's parents upset him? Is he angry?

That last thought seemed to almost instantly erase my caution.

This is Emory. . .Why am I so scared? He's nothing like my dad. . .But he might be upset though. . .

Worried for him, I started to approach him before he let out a heavy sigh, Shaking his head slightly.

''I am alright. . .Though I do owe you an apology. . . My family means well but their timing. . .Was not the best'' He explained slowly, Sounding apologetic as he moved to stand in front of me.

Oh thank goodness, He's okay. . .

Some of the tension left me at that, A small, Hesitant smile forming on my face at that.

''It's fine. . .Lacy and Robin were nice. . .We had fun playing Jenga together'' I soothed, Not wanting to make Emory think I spent this entire time suffering while he was speaking with others of his family.

Emory returned my smile with one of his own, Leaning down to gently place a kiss on my forehead.

''Well. . .Since we are both up, I will go start making breakfast, Do you want anything specific?'' Emory questioned while making his way towards the kitchen.

''No but. . .Could. . . Could I. . . help you make breakfast though?'' I asked hesitant, Unsure if he would take offence to my offer as I Followed close behind him while he made his way into the sunlit kitchen.

He paused slightly, Looking a bit surprised but gave me a smile none the less.

''Of course you can, I would love some help'' He answered fondly, Reaching out to gently ruffle my hair before going to get a cookbook to find something to cook.

Despite how this morning had started, I was pretty happy by now, My mood much better thanks to how this day had gone.

Soon enough, Emory and I fell into an easy rhythm, Working side by side together in the kitchen.

Every now and then he would offer me bites of the food while we were cooking together, Asking me if I liked how it was seasoned.

It was nice, The two of us just enjoying each other's company.


Calm before the storm and all that~

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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