Chapter 47:

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Emory had hurried me out of the prison after that, If he had said anything to me during that time, I didn't hear.

My father's words were still ringing about in my head, Making my heart ache as my vision blurred every now and then.

His hand remained on my shoulder as the guard led us outside, Emory hadn't said a word to me, But he also hadn't removed his hand from my shoulder, Keeping me close the whole time.

Why did I think coming here would be a good idea. . .

I reached my hand up, Scrubbing at my eyes roughly.

So stupid. . .To think he'd ever forgive me for screwing up our family. . .

I swallowed back my emotions as best I could, My eyes burning slightly with the very familiar sting of un-shed tears.

I'm so stupid. . .

The hand on my shoulder tightened slightly, Almost to the point of being painful.

It was enough to draw my attention up to Emory.

He was watching me out of the corner of his eye, I still couldn't read his expressions clearly enough to have any guess what he was thinking.

He must be ashamed of me. . .Ashamed that he's stuck with a soulmate like me. . .

Once we were outside of the prisons walls, I slowly reached up and removed Emory's hand from my shoulder.

I don't deserve his comfort. . .I don't deserve everything he's given me. . .

Staring down at the ground, I bit at my bottom lip as I tried to hold my tears back, The burning feeling making my eyes ache.

I heard a small huffed sigh before Emory grabbed onto my shoulder yet again, Saying something to the guard before firmly steering me towards his car.

He's angry. . .He's actually angry. . .

I could feel my heart clenching in fear.

Swallowing back my emotions, I shrunk in on myself slightly as I stumbled along beside Emory.

After a moment, We reached the car.

Emory promptly opened the car door for me, Finally releasing me so I could get in.

The small amount of peaceful seclusion as he was heading around to his side of the car felt a lot like the calm before the storm.

I shouldn't have come here. . .

Staring down at my hands, I nervously started to scratch at scar on my wrist, The simple action providing an ever so slight distraction.

After a moment, Emory firmly placed his hand over my wrist, Blocking me from scratching at my wrist.

I glanced up at him, He wasn't looking at me, Concentrating on the road in front of us instead.

He really wasn't happy about my choice to come here was he. . .

Sighing, I closed my eyes tightly.

I'm even making him upset. . .

--- Time skip ---

Waking up, I looked around at the familiar room I was in.

I didn't even notice I had fallen asleep on the drive back, But I must have considering I clearly wasn't in a car anymore.

. . .He must have carried me inside. . .He's most likely annoyed. . .

Slowly, I climbed out of bed, Heading for the door in the same room I had been sleeping in for a few days lately.

Looking out into the hallway, I didn't see any sign of Emory.

He wouldn't leave. . .Would he?. . .It'd make sense if he did. . .He has a life that doesn't revolve around me after all. . .

Still, The idea of being all alone with my thoughts set me on edge.

I really do not want to be alone with myself. . .

Heading downstairs, I paused in surprise as I distantly heard Emory's voice.

I guessed he was talking on the phone based upon the fact that I didn't hear anyone else talking yet he was still responding to someone.

Feeling a bit guilty for listening in on his conversation, I was about to head back upstairs before I overheard my name.

''Aspen has spoken with his father, He does not appear to be taking his father's words very well'' Emory informed whoever he was talking to.

Why is he talking about me with someone. . .Did I do something wrong?

Deciding that, Despite how rude it was to listen in on someone else's conversation, I had to know what I did wrong.

Dad's already mad at me. . .I don't want Emory mad too. . .

There was silence for a long moment, Long enough to make me wonder if I had imagined hearing his voice.

''No, He has not lately'' I heard Emory say in response to whatever the person on the other side of the phone said.

He was silent again before I felt my heart leap into my throat as Emory's footsteps approached the stairway.

I scrambled to my feet and hurried up the stairs as quietly as I could.

Closing the door behind me, I did my best to do so without making noise, However, The quiet click it made as it latched made me flinch.

I'm so dead. . .

Sitting down with my back to the door, I closed my eyes tightly, Waiting for Emory to come and yell at me for eavesdropping on his conversation.

So I waited. . .

And waited. . .

And waited a bit longer. . .

The whole time, My heart was pounding away in my chest, A panicked tempo that was starting to cause me to be light headed.

Eventually, After a very long wait, Or a short one, It was hard to tell with the dread running through my veins.

There was a knock on the door, Causing me to flinch.

''Aspen, Come down stairs, Dinner is ready'' Emory informed me curtly through the door before seemingly leaving yet again.

He didn't yell at me?. . .Did he not notice me eavesdropping?

Hesitantly, I got up, Leaving the room yet again before slowly making my way down the stairs.

It was much darker outside by now, Leaving me to believe a fair bit of time had passed while I was in the room waiting for Emory to come and yell at me.

Cautiously, I stepped into the kitchen, The smell of Zuppa reaching me.

Two bowls of the soup were waiting on the table.

Emory was already sitting down, Waiting for me.

When I sat down and looked into the bowl in front of me I was surprised by the sheer amount of soup he had dished up for me.

Looking up at him with a confused look, I waited for an explanation.

''You are concerningly light.'' He explained simply before going back to his bowl of soup.

. . .Was that what he was upset about? How light I am?


. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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