Chapter 14: Final straw. . .

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Alllright. . . This chapter has a trigger warning, Aspen tries to commit suicide, You all have been warned. . .


I felt off today, Like I was walking through a haze with weight on my chest and back.

I went through my morning routine robotically, Not even reacting to the mocking and slight beating I received from my dad at breakfast.

I couldn't quite place the feeling but. . . It was like my brain had given up, Leaving me numb and tired.

I just want to go back to sleep. . .

Even as I thought that, A tiny part of me felt like that wasn't enough, A eternal nap sounded like what I needed.

I shook my head slightly, Forcing the numbness back only to feel it start to return nearly as quickly as I tried to banish it.

I just gotta keep going. . . I'll be fine. . . I always have to be. . .

Looking up, I noticed while my brain was stuck with it's thoughts, My body had carried me to my beat up locker.

Reaching out to lightly touch the door, I had a odd feeling like my body was trying to tell me this was the first and last time I was seeing it.

Sighing, I pulled my books out and closed it, Feeling oddly. . . Mournful.

With my head down, I walked quietly to my next class, My heart clenching in my chest for some odd reason.

Before I even reached the door, I was shoved roughly into the wall.

I knew who it was even before he spoke, It was always him after all. . .

''Oh great. Getting in my way again I see.'' Channing snarled out, Scowling down at me.

I knew I would normally be crying, Normally be hurt by his actions but. . . I just felt numb.

''Well? Don't you have anything to say for yourself?'' He demanded, Grabbing onto my hair and shaking me slightly.

''Sorry'' I whispered quietly, My voice not sounding like my own anymore. . . It sounded dull and lifeless.

'' 'Sorry' '' He mocked before shoving me back into the wall again.

''Maybe you should just end yourself, You're only ruining everyone's time when you're still alive'' He mocked, It was the same as always yet. . . It hit differently today.

''I know. . .'' I whispered dully as I slowly stood up, My heavy heart clenching painfully.

Maybe that would make everything better. . .

''Aww, Are you just gonna walk away? How rude.'' Channing spat out as I walked off, My head lowered.

Inhaling, I forced myself to keep walking towards class.

My heart was steadily aching as I walked, My eyes misting slightly.

Maybe. . . Maybe my death would be for the best. . .

With that thought in mind, I walked wearily into class.

My mind tuning out the cheerful greeting from Daniel as I robotically went to my seat.

Maybe. . . Maybe I should just give up. . .

--- Time skip ---

The bell for lunch had rung already, I had waited in class until I saw Channing leave with his little group.

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