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-skip few hours-

After me and Lauren got out of the shower and dressed she decided it was a good time to try on the bracelet and Mary did say that this wouldn't be painful in anyway as she becoming a real succubus, she still is human

"Does it happen right away or does it take a little time?" Lauren asks me as we're in the ware house just for privacy

"Honestly I'm not sure how this whole thing works" I reply as she looks at the bracelet in her hand

"What kind do you think I will be?" Lauren asks in curiousity but I am not sure what kind she will be, I mean I could look into the future but where is the fun in that?

"Hmm I'm not sure" I say as I start to think out loud so we could both hear my thoughts about this

"You're brave and strong so you could be a blue warrior but you're good with the medical side of things and that means you could also be a healer" I say as I then think if maybe she is a royal?

"Royal? You would have to have to be at least somewhat succubus right?" I ask and I see her shrug as she doesn't know

"What about green?" She asks making me tilt my head "a Sear?" I say "could be very possible it's one out of four chance, what do you think?" I ask her

"Well my eyes are green so I'm betting on that" she says making me nod as she looks back at the bracelet and then puts it on and then we wait for a few seconds

"Oh its cool I can feel the magic" she says with a smile on her face "what does it feel like?" I ask and she puts her hand out for me to feel so I take her hand and see what it feels like

It felt tingly in a way but it's like a warm wave of electricity flowing through my body and I look at Lauren to see her eyes glow green like greener then normal

"It's working" I say "I know your eyes are red so it must be working on you too" she says and that when I feel the magic flow through us both making me look at me hand and see my skin turn to my faded green scales

I then see her skin slowly turn to scale but I then see cute horn come out making my attention go to them as I smile making her smile as her teeth sharpen as she smiles making her lick them

Then something catches my eye making me look to see a green tail with a green flame on the end

Lauren watches as her tail sways side to side slowly in a calm manner and then I could see these different shade of green feathers slowly start to come from behind her

I step back a little to get a better view of her wings as they grow, my tail and horns come out with my wings following

Lauren spreads her gorgeous green wings out for the first time and she has formed into her succubus form and I tilt my head and admire her with a dreamy sign

"It's just one of these moments where I can't find the right words to say to explain such beauty that my eyes are seeing" my succubus side says with that faded tone following it

"Truly she is beautiful and there isn't a word in the world that could discribe her beauty as human and succubus" I reply to my succubus not knowing that we were talking out loud as I continue to admire her new succubus features and her human features

She really is a beautiful woman, how did I get so lucky? I then snap out of my dreamy stage as I feel something wrap around me but it was long and thin

I look to see Lauren's tail around my waist so I look up at her as she pulls me lose and as she does her wings settled down behind her

"That's because no words are needed in this moment" she says as she grab my waist once I am close enough to her and she kisses me with this sensational supernatural kiss and I really like this kiss as I melt into her and wrap my arms around her

This time it wasn't me who shares out feelings but Lauren and I could feel her love for me and then I could also feel the power that the succubus holds and she isn't to far behind me in that scale of strength

Lauren then seemed to be getting the hang of being a succubus as I feel her tongue grow as she wraps it round my tongue making my eyes roll to the back of my head at the feeling

She then pulls back and we catch our breaths and I look at Lauren as she looks back at me with glowing neon green eyes and I could see my neon red eyes glowing off of hers

"I've always wanted to do that to you" she says making me smile "well we have a lot more things to do and such little time so come on" I say pulling back and leading her out of the warehouse

"Wait did Mary said royals can do it permanently" Lauren says as I close the door behind us "she did witch I didn't even know until then" I say truthfully and she nods

"Why?... Do you want to be a succubus permanently?" I ask her and she shrugs "well think of this as a tester" I say to her and she smile with a nod

After a while of me teaching Lauren how to fly she started to get the hand of it quickly as she is already in the sky so I fly up to her height

"Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down" she says to herself "babe you're okay your wings will catch you" I say to her as she look over to me

"You trust me right?" I ask her and she nods so I put my hand out for her and she looks at me hand before coming over to me  and taking my hand so I pull her with me as her wings follow in my direction

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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