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"Luke my office now" he says making Luke huff and walk towards his office and couch looks at us and then walks off as I feel Caras anger building up "why don't we take some of that anger to throw some balls at the jock?" I ask making her smile "yeah let's play dodge ball" she says through her teeth

After blowing off some steam she seemed more calm and together so we sit down on the beach obviously were a little sweaty and Cara has a great throwing arm

"Feel better?" I ask making her nod "good" I say and lean on her making her sign and lean on me "I just... Hate them so much for what they do" she says making me nod "same here but the more we act on it the more there going to do" I say making her look down and nod

The bell rings and we go back to the changing room and start getting changed back to our normal clothes Cara turns around and stops what she is doing while I take my shirt off and then I feel a hand on my boob making me look and see Caras hand on my boob

I look at Cara and see she isn't looking at me "Cara" I say making her look at me and then see she is holding my boob "oh I wonder why you was so soft and a hand full" she say and grab my other one and cups them giving them a squeeze making me slap her hands away

"Ow" she says rubbing her hand "anyway what did you want my attention for?" I ask making her look behind me where she was looking before making me turn and see Camila with a tint of red on her face and Dinah next to her who is staring at my boobs making me look at Cara and she just shrugs

"You two okay?" I ask putting my shirt on making them both look at me and smile sheepishly "y-yeah errm me and Dinah w-was errm" Camila starts to talk but stop half way through like she forgot what she was going to say making me chuckle at her

"We was wondering if you and your friends want to sit with us at lunch you know get to know each other?" Dinah says and I was about to answer but Cara did before me "yeah we would love to I'm sure James would like to as well" she says like there is a double meaning behind her words

They want to know who I like obviously what other reason would there be?

"Great see you at lunch" Dinah says and pull Camila away with her

-skip to lunch-

Cara and James have been babbling on that there going to find out who I like but I can be quite convincing sometimes I guess I'm just good at acting

"Cara y/n over here" I hear Camila say making me look and see her waving making me smile at her and Cara drags me along with James pushing me along

"I can walk you know" I say to them but they just ignore me and bring me over to the girls who are looking confused about why they are pushing me "there just hungry" I say making them all nod and shrug it off as we sit down and start to eat

"Hey y/n are you okay?" Camila asked making me nod "yeah I'm okay thanks you?" I ask making her shake her head "no I mean... Are you okay?" She asks like there is a double meaning making me frown my eyebrows at her in confusion "I... Don't understand... What do you mean?" I ask making her look down and then back up at me "at p.e. luke... He.." she cuts herself off making me take hold of her hand "I'm okay I'm promise" I say making her give me a small smile and nod

"What did Luke do this time?" James asks making me shake my head and take my hand away from hers and look at him "it's fine it's been dealt with" I say making him frown his eyebrows at me

"Wait I'm confused what happened?" Ally said making us look at her

"Luke basically sexually assaulted y/n while we were in p.e. playing basketball" Cara says through her teeth making me look at her "sure why not tell the whole fucking school plus it's fine he has been dealt with no need to make a big ass deal about it" I say feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket

"That fucking asshole I swear imma fucking kill him" I hear James say as he stands up but I grab him and pull him down again "James a word please" I say standing up dragging him with me

"James let it go" I say making him chuckle sarcastically at me "y/n this isn't the first time he has done this, it needs to stop now and I'm going to make it stop" he says making his way past me but I grab him by the back of his collar and pull him back to were he previously was

"James your remember our talk right? The more you act on it the more it's going to get worse... But I promise if it does get any worse then it is I will act accordingly" I say making him look at me and stare at me in silence for a while

"James I promise you" I say making him hold out his pinkie "promise me you will if it gets any worse?" He says making me nod and wrap my pinkie around his "I promise" I say making him hug me and I hug him back

"Okay fine but just so you know I would off beaten his ass" he says as we walk back to the table "I don't doubt you one bit" I say as we sit down

"You two cool?" Normani asks making us nod with smiles "yeah we're good" James says and Cara looks passed me and groans "ugh  6 o'clock douche bag approaching" she says making me look and see Andrew walking over

I groan and put my head in my hands "can I not get a break" I say quietly and sign in frustration "hey y/n" he says making give him a fake smile "Andrew" I say making him smile and hand me a rose "this is for you" he says and I take it "thanks" I say making him smile giving me the creepy-crawlies with his creepy smile

"Okay bye" he says and walks away I then put the rose down and out three fingers up "that wasn't so" Lauren says making me shake my head




"Why are you counting?"


I say and then Andrew comes back and grabs me and makes me stand up and hugs me tightly putting his face into my breasts and he speaks

"I want you and only you... You are mine!" He says aggressively and holds me tighter normally he isn't this aggressive but apparently he is today

"Andrew" I say trying to push him back but he is strong "not I'm not letting go your mine" he says and looks up at me "your mine" he whispers to me "Andrew remember your heavy handed meaning your strong" I say making him put his head back down into my cleavage

So I look at Cara and James "guys help he is a little aggressive today" I say and they stand up and pry him of me

"No your mine!" He says making me look at him as his face is red in ... I don't know what but it's kinda scary

Andrew has a few problems in his mind making different to others he doesn't mean to be aggressive but it just happens

"Andrew calm down" James says and I feel my phone vibrate again making me look at it seeing my mum's name pop up with a message

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