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"Awe that's sweet can we see it?" Ally says making me smile at her "maybe later" I say as I look back at Cara and Normani "who told you?" I ask and they just give me a sassy shrug making me raise my eyebrow at them

I look at Camila and she shakes her head no so it wasn't her so then I look at Lauren and see she is looking at Dinah who is smirking

"Dinah Jane Hansen" I says with a flat tone making her stop smirking and look at me

"Y-yes?" She asks me with a sweet innocent smile "you snitched on me didn't you?" I ask making her look away from me but then back

"N-no why would I do that?" She says making me raise an eyebrow at her "I don't like liars Hansen so I suggest you tell the truth" I say making her swallow a lump in her throat

"I do not tolerate liars" I say moving closer to her "so I shall ask you again, did you snitch on me?" I say making her slowly nod

"Y-yes" she says quietly above a whisper but I heard it making me move away from her to were I was before "see wasn't so hard now was it?" I ask her making her give me a small unsure smile and she looks away and I look back at Cara and Normani

"Now I'm pointed out the culprit what you going to do about it?" I ask making them both look at each other and then back at me

"We will find that photo, don't you worry" Normani says as Cara sits forward "you better watch you back y/l/n" she says with a serious face

"I won't worry, I'm counting on it Kordie and Delevingne" I say sitting back in my chair crossing my arms and legs as our order is called out so Ally goes and gets it with Camila

The shop door opens making a bell sound and in walks Andrew with James wrapped around his arm they go and order and then they spot us and walk over

"Hey sisters" James says making us all reply with 'heys' and 'hellos' making him sit down with Andrew "so how was the slumber party?" He asks making us all smile as Cara and Ally come back

"I got to make out with y/n" Cara says making James gasp "oh my gosh....how was it?" He asks with his hand over his heart while looking at Cara who starts to slowly smile to herself

"It was.... Definitely something" she says licking her bottom lip and then biting it and James looks at me and leans on the table "I want to know what all the fuss is about" he says making look at him and shake my head no

"Oh come on you've kiss Cara and not me and we have been friends longer then you have been with Cara" he says making Cara nod agreeing with him

I sign at him "maybe one day but...." I say  looking at Andrew making him smile and then look at Andrew "you don't mind do you?" James asks making Andrew look back at James

"I'll think about it" he says making me smile and James huff crossing his arms

-skip at school-

We pull up and get out our cars as people turn there head and look at us "yo y/n what you doing tonight you free?" Cara asks making me look at her as we walk into school

"Sorry I'm not free I'm actually kinda busy" I say making her nod "doing?" She asks as I get to my locker "something" I say as I grab my books

"You keeping more secrets from me y/n/n?" Cara says and  closer my locker and look at her "maybe" I say and was tapped on the shoulder so I turn and see Jake

"Jake" I say feeling annoyed already "before you say anything I'm not here to ask you out or anything like that" he says making me look at him confused

"That's new" James says making Cara nod "yeah then why are you here?" Normani says with a confused look on her face

"I came to thank you" he says making us all even more confused "may I ask for what?" I ask making him smile

"For getting me to go on a date with Lucy, turns out we both like each other" he says making me surprised by what he says

"Well good for you, I'm happy for ya" I say tapping his shoulder and walking passed him to my first class

-skip school-

I walk back to my locker to put all my books back then I walk down the hall but have a feeling I'm being watch making me smile

"Cara I know it's you" I say and turn around and hear her groan

"How did you know I was following you?" She says walking out from behind the lockers making me smile

"I just know what your like and why was you following me?" I ask making her look down and play with her hands in guilt

"I'm sorry it's just I don't want no more secrets between us and curiousity got the best of me" she says making me smile at her

"It's okay and if you really want to know I'm going to the library to do some boring ass research for my history lesson" I say making her look up at me and nod

"Well that boring and sad... Okay bye!" She shouts and runs down the hall as I turn around and go to the library I walk in and sit down my the computer turning it on not before looking around seeing if anyone is looking seeing no one

I quickly search up my brother's name and try to find his location or at least find the asylum that he is held at and after a little bit of research I find out that he isn't to far from here but they say that he think he is some kind of...

"Supernatural creature, he claims that his father was the reason of his supernatural powers, he says he can make people feel pleasure just by looking at them and can hypnotize them just by looking at them along with transform into one and says he is a..." I stop reading but keep looking at the last word


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