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"Y/n... You mother escaped prison late night" James says making me tense up and freeze dropping my books shock and terrified beyond belief I see the girls walking over to us but I just look away

"What?" Lauren asks for me as I can't seem to speak or move but they stay silent for a while

"My mum escaped from prison late night?" I ask to confirm as James and Cara nod and I nod with them still not believing it

"Right" I say and grab hold of the lockers next to me for support "babe?" I hear Lauren but I just stare at the lockers as my breathing quickens and becomes more heavy and uneven my vision become red with fear and anger I can't see much all I can see it blurry figures

It seems like the lights the flashing hurting my eyes and they get faster and faster as I hear people taking getting louder and louder it starts to make me become overwhelmed with everything

Next thing I know is I'm looking at my hand that has gone through a metal locker...

I pull it back and the door comes off its hinges with my arm and I pull it off hissing as I see my blood all over my hand and I look at the locker seeing I might have punched a big hole though it

"What just happened?" I ask myself as my blood drips to the floor

"Let's get you to the nurse babe" I hear making me look up at Lauren who looks at little shocked as does James, Cara, the girls and everyone else that is looking at me so I drop the locker door and walk passed everyone with Lauren following

I get to the nurses office and see she is busy with another student at the moment so I just grab some hand towel and put pressure on my hand hissing as I do so

Lauren bends down in front of me making me look at her "let me have a look" she says as she grab my hand gently and pulls a chair for her to sit on

She pulls the hand towel back seeing my damaged hand with blood leaking from it's wound

"I didn't mean to" I say looking at my hand as she looks at me and then grabs some clean cloth and starts wiping the blood away gently

"I know baby" she says as silence falls between us after a while of her cleaning the blood away from my hand she says she has to sterilise it

"This will hurt okay" she says as she puts a stress ball in my other hand and puts it over the sink and pours the steriliser over my hand making me hiss in pain looking away and squeeze the ball that is in my other hand

"Sorry" she says quietly "I should be the one who is sorry" I say making her look at me and frown "hay you did nothing wrong" she says as she drys my hand carefully

"You got overwhelmed and it's not your fault you have nothing to apologize for" she says look back down at my hand "can you move you hand at all?" She asks making me nod and clench my fist and unclench it with my groaning in pain

"Did I scare you?" I ask her making her look up at me and into my eyes "scare...no...upset and worried... Yeah" she says making me feel guilty and look down but she lift my chin to look at her

"But it's okay" she says kissing me on my head and she grab a clean cloth and starts to wrap my hand up softly and I feel bad knowing I made her worry so I look around and see no one looking at us

I use my succubus powers and share how I feel now with her and she sees the red glow go through my hands and into hers making her look up at me in my eyes we stare at each other until I look away from her

I feel her hand on my leg making me look back at her "like I said it okay" she says kissing me on the lips gently and she pulls away and finishes wrapping up my hand and kisses it softly

"Need to change this twice a day okay" she says making me nod as she stands up with me and we make our way to class

"I need to tell them" I say making her look at me as we walk "tell who what?" She asks making me stop and look at her

"There going to ask questions that I might not be able to answer and there all want answer" I say making her now understand what I'm talking about and she nod in understanding

"I need to tell them" I say and she grabs my good hand "okay if you invite them to yours tonight you can tell them there as we know we can't speak here" she says with me agreeing with her

-skip to break-

I avoid everyone at break as i need time to myself so i went to the music room and start to play and sing what's on my mind

I sit there thinking about why my mum would escape well obviously to come after me I'm the reason she was in prison I'm the reason for everything...

"You avoiding me now?" I hear behind me making me turn and see Lauren leaning against the door frame once I look away from her she walks over to me and sits down next to me

"You know if you don't want to tell them you don't have too" she says but I just play with the lighter from Jason

"There going to want answers" I say leaning in her shoulder and she leans on my head "that you don't have to give them babe, it's your choice and they have to respect that" she says and as always she is right with a point that's what I lo-like about her

I'm really lucky to have Lauren by my side because without her I wouldn't know what to do, I would be lost without her... She is my everything and I can't afford to lost her, I want her by my side as I want to be side her everyday and every step I mean not to sound clingy or anything but I guess I could even say... She's my soulmate

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