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"I'm sorry" I say as I kiss her damaged hand gently

I then feel her run her other hand through my hair "baby you have nothing to be sorry for if anything I should be thanking you for saving me" she says making me lift my head to look up at her

"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be alive right now" she says as she leans over to me and lifts my chin with her right hand and kisses me gratefully and passionately the kiss lasted for about a minute or so, I pull away from Lauren as she sits up slowly

"Let get you fixed up" I say to her as I take hold of the bottom of her shirt and start to lift as Lauren lifts her arms up for me making it easier for me to get her shirt off and put it down next to us

I then look back at Lauren to see how bad the damage is and it seemed a little more than I was expecting it doesn't go below her waist but she has little cuts and scrapes down her side some of them may need butterfly stitches

All this is probably from all the rubble that exploded on us when we were pushed under ground from all that weight were definitely have to clean them

"Okay stay here" I say to her as I go back to the kitchen to grab the first aid kit with the disinfectant wipes and bandages so I take it with me and Lauren watches me as I sit down next to her as I place the kit on the table next to us and Lauren catches my attention but shifting me closer to her as she then scoots closer to me with her front is almost against my front

She smiles as we are face to face with her basically on my lap and she wraps her legs around my waist making sure I can't move

I let her be as I open the aid kit and grab the disinfectant wipes and take one out before facing back to Lauren who is already looking at me with a smile on her face making me smile before I move her hair to her other side so it won't get in my way

She silently watches me as I wipe her shoulder she keeps her eyes facing me as she just observes me

"Thank you" she says making me look back at her "for saving me from being swished" she says making me smile at her "well I wouldn't want a pancake as a girlfriend now do I?" I says making her chuckle and playfully hit my shoulder

"But..." I say as I grab a few butterfly stitches before looking back at her "your welcome and I'd do it again if I have to" I say to her as we both smile at each other in a comfortable vibe

She then leans closer to me and kisses me again and I use my right hand and brush her hair back as I kiss her back

She uses her right hand and slowly slides it up the side of my shirt smoothly before griping me at the same time I feel her lick my bottom lip

I pull back making her groan at me "no let me patch you up first" I say making her sign before agreeing to let me do so and I could tell she was in pain but I have to finish this before I do that

I put the stitches on and clean the little ones out that don't need stitches I then grab the bandage and I take the half melted ice pack off her hand to see that some of the swelling has gone down

I wrap her wrist and hand up securely and making sure it isn't too tight or lose and I keep it in place with a medical clip for dressing for support

"Is that good?" I ask her and she nods as she has a little feel for it "yeah it's good" she says and then looks back at me

"Scale of one too ten, one being good and ten being bad, how much pain are you in?" I ask her as she take a breath "maybe between five and six" she says making me nod

"I'll get you some pain killers" I say as I try to move her legs that are around my waist but she wasn't having it making me look at her

"Babe" I say and she just gets closer and wraps her arms around my neck "if I remember correctly my kisses can heal you so... It would only make sense that your kisses will heal me" she says making me chuckle at her

"Babe I don't think that how it works" I say as I put my arms loosely around her waist "but they could help with the pain" I say and yeah they could as I am a succubus it would only make sense to have magical kisses right?

"Even more reasons to kiss you" she says as she kisses me so I kiss her back and I take some of her pain and smooth the rest out with a little numbness to help out a little

I hear Lauren moan in approval as the pain eases and she relaxes in my hold truly just melts in my embrace as I do in hers being in her arms makes me feel very secure and safe

She licks my bottom lip again and I did say wait until I patched her up and I have so I allow her entrance so we make out with each other

We continued for a few minutes before I pull back "babe come on you need rest" I say to her and she groans at me

"You may not want it but you need it" I say to her and she knows I'm right as I look at her she looks at me with puppy eyes making me look away

"Look love you know I can't resist your puppy eyes" I say with my British accent come through as I know what it does to Lauren and then she growls lowly to me

"Yeah yeah growl all you want we're still going bed" I say to her as I pick her up and stand up

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