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"Huh that pretty cool" I say as I look at my hand "yeah it's the scales there just as tough as dragon scales" he says looking at my scales and sees here kind of green

"Wait" he says and grabs my arm and drags me over to dad "look" he says showing dad my arm as he looks at it

"Green scales...." He says and Jason nods "is there something I should know about green scales?" I ask and they both look at me as I take my arm back off of them

"There supposed to be red" dad says making me look at him "so why aren't they?" I ask confused

"Because you must have the powers of the sears the greens" Jason says making me nod

"Okay?" I ask again still not understanding why there so shocked

"You do know that it is really rare to be a royal along with having other ranks powers it's.... So unique" Jason says flailing his arms around as he explains

"What's the greens powers then?" James asks making Jason and dad look at him

"They can see into anyone future whenever they want" dad says looking at me "I'm so jealous" Jason says making dad chuckle at him and place his hand on his shoulder tapping it

"Same here son" he says as I step back as I feel something coming but I don't know what then suddenly I take this sharp breath..

"Y/n?" I hear making me look up and see Matt and he comes from around the corner and looks at me and drops his phone as everyone looks at him

He pulls his gun out and aims at me with wide eyes "w-what are you?!" He shouts looking as scared as ever

I didn't get a chance to answer as he pulls the trigger making me close my eyes ready for the pain

I don't feel anything making me open my eyes and see Lauren standing in front of me she looks down so I walk up to her and see blood drip to the floor as I turn her around and see she is bleeding from the bullet

She looks up at me with watery eyes "y/n?" She says and collapses in my arms

I exhale a big breath and close my eyes and blink a few times

"Y/n?" I hear knowing what I just saw I quickly shift back to my human form and I look up and everyone look at where his voice is coming from and see Matt walk around the corner and looks at me

"There you are I've been looking for you" he says as everyone look at me quickly seeing I'm now in human form and signs in relief

I don't say anything as I'm still in shock from what I just saw... Lauren she... Matt...

I look away from them and lean on the wall beside me recoving from what i just saw and catch my breath and close my eyes shaking my head feeling light headed

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Ally asks making me look up at her and nod "yeah... Yeah I'm good" I say getting off the wall as my breathing evens out

"Maybe you should sit down" camila says making me nod and walk in the house and sit down in the lounge feeling a little better

Lauren sits down next to me I look at her seeing she is okay "you're okay" I say making her look at me weirdly "babe you sure your okay?" She asks while I just look at her

"He shot you" I say to myself and Lauren looks even more confused but she stays quiet

I see Matt sit down opposite me as everyone else walks in the room "y/n?" I hear making me look away from Lauren who is looking at me a little worried so I grab her hand

"Yeah?" I say and he hands me a piece of paper so I take it and look at it seeing it's from the prison and look away not wanting to know what it says


"I can't pull myself to tell you so just read it please you need to know" he says in a sad tone so I frown read it

Dear miss y/n y/l/n

We ask of you to come in and comfirm her Identity as we regret to inform you that Sam y/l/n has passed

passed? what does that mean by passed?

I look up at Matt seeing him look away from me with a sad look on his face "y/n I'm really sorry" he says as I look back down and keep reading

We would appreciate if you could come and comfirm the body of Sam y/l/n your mother

We are sorry for you los Ma'am


I look up at no one as I place the letter on my lap...

So... My mum is ... Dead? but... how? why? what happened?

"What does the letter say?" Camila ask softly and I place my head in my hands ignoring her question

I mean I know she tried killing me and shit like that but... She's my mum and yeah I love her and all but... Fuck... now all the good memories are coming back to me like the little things...

"Y/n I don't know what to say" I hear Matt says making me stare into the thin air

Even tho I hate her I also love her even if I don't want to... I can't help it... I mean we did have some good memories...

At the park having ice cream together


My birthday


Her birthday

Even though there wasn't much to look at ... It's the little moments that count

"Happy birthday" she says and throughs a box at me and then leaves my room quickly

I open it and see the dress I've always eyed up when we walk passed the store making me know that she did notice me looking


"Happy birthday mum" I say handing her the box and she takes it

She opens it and I see her face curves a little like she is smiling and I see a little sparkle in here eyes but it doesn't last long

"Yeah thanks or whatever now get lose" she says so I walk around the corner and peek and I see her look at it and smile at it making me smile and know that she loves it and me...


Me and mum where walking in the park having our ice creams

I look up at my mum and smile at her "mum" I say making her look at me "I love you" I say to her and I see her face soften while she looks at me and I see her eyes start to get glossy like tears where forming

She looks away from me and I look down "I... Love you too" I hear her says as a whisper like I wasn't supposed to hear making me smile from ear to ear and carry on eating my ice cream

I felt a tear run down my face remembering more memories that we had together and now slowly realize that she did love me in her own little way and I was so blinded by the hate that I didn't focus on the small things...

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