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(A/n hello, just a quick notice, I'll might be stopping this book after another 10 or so chapters and hopefully with a happy ending but I'm not sure yet I might stop it after prom. xoxo-Lara)

"Give it ago but your dad and Jason will have ago first" Cara say making Jason look at dad "I doubt we could even lift it" dad says "but there is not harm in trying" Jason says so they agree as they both walk over to the ball and shift into the succubus form before they both lean down to grab the ball but I could see that the ball was wobbling so I go to tell them to stop but by the time I could say anything the ball starts coming towards me and Lauren so in instant reflex I shield Lauren and turn into a succubus ready for the impact of the giant metal ball

As it comes into contact with me I push it back with all of my will as I don't want to crush Lauren who is under neath me

The ball rolls in-between my wings stabling it on my back as all of the weight of the ball I'd now on me and my wings and tail hold the ball from rolling into anyone else

My arms shake from all the weight and I slowly start to collapse so with both my hands I lift the ball releasing my wings but with just a few seconds of this weight on me it becomes heavier and it felt like it was getting heavier by the second

My arms give out as well as my leg as Jason and dad wasn't quick enough to grab the ball before with crushed us but my wings are always there to protect us

They created a cocoon around us both so that acted as a shield from the ground and ball and I could feel the ground around my wings on the outside so me and Lauren are under ground because of the weight of the ball

I could feel Jason and dad trying to move the ball off of me but they could barely lift it

I see my tail light it self on fire so we could see and I look at Lauren who seemed in shock from what just happened so I put my tired arms around her making her look up at me

"Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods so I hold her closer and she seemed a little shaken up so I clam her down by comforting her

"Okay Lauren I need you to listen to me" I say as I push myself back so I could look at her and she looks at me "we need to get out of here so what I am going to do is lift this ball off us okay" I say and she nods as she listens

"When I lift it I want you to get out of this hole as quickly as you can okay?" I ask and she nods again "what about you?" She asks "I'll be right behind you" I say and she nods "on three" I say

"1...2...3" my wings open as I hold the ball and lift and Lauren instantly sits up as the girls help her out of the creator that his ball created, the ball was quickly getting heavier by the second just like last time the weight is unbearably heavy

Once she is out I lift the ball higher before dropping it in the hole me and Lauren was in just a second ago

Once I dropped it I sat down on the floor recovering from my heart attack

"I think we did enough training today" Jason says making me look at him

"You think" I say as we all just start laughing it off before the girls said there goodbyes and nights, James left with them while Cara and Jason left together

"Well now we know that your at least 20x stronger then me and Jason put together" dad says as he then leaves me and Lauren by the warehouse

I look at Lauren and see her standing there so I walk over to her and she looks at me as I place an arm around her waist and pull her a little closer as I kiss her head and hold her

I almost lost her today...

"Babe" she says making me pull back a little "yeah?" I ask as she looks up at me "can we go home now?" She asks and I nod as I grab her left hand but she hisses in pain making me let go as she takes hold of her left hand in her right hand

"Baby what's happened?" I ask as I step closer to look at her hand "I don't know it must of happened when the whole metal ball thing happened" she says as I look at her hand a see some bruises and swelling

So we better get some ice on that and I scoop Lauren up in my arms and she instantly puts her right arm around my neck and snuggles into my neck

Dad drove us here so I'll have to fly home cause I'm not walking that distance

I let my wings out and I feel Lauren's grip tighten on me on I kiss her temple before taking off in the direction of home

It took a couple of minutes but I land in the back garden and tuck my wings away before walking into our home and I place her down on the sofa as I bend down in front of her and make an ice pack with my powers and gently place the ice on her wrist

She watches me as I do as I inspect the damage as she then looks up at me "can you move you wrist baby?" I ask her and she nods as she does so and I sit on the sofa next to her and lightly bump shoulder with her by accident but she whimpers making me look at her as I then see a little blood on her shoulder making me frown I use my other hand to pull the shirt back a little to see a few little cuts and scrapes and she sees them two and then looks at me but I avoid eye contact I let go of her shirt and look down feeling bad that she is hurt and I guess it kinda my fault I should have been ready and more careful

I'm a SuccubusWhere stories live. Discover now