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"How about you practice with me?" I ask her and she seemed to like that idea "okay" she says as I get into character as her mum Sinu

"Mama" she says

"Yes Mija?" I answer and she pauses so I waiting "I need to tell you something" she says so I nod "what is it?" I say and she looks away with a nervous look

"I.. I umm" she stops again "I can't do this y/n what am I supposed to say? That I like tacos?!" She says making me frown but chuckle at her

"Camila calm yourself and stop overthinking" I tell her as I sit up "how about I show you how to tell someone" I offer and she nodded

"Okay" I say as she took a breath to calm down "now you be your mum and I'll be you okay?" I say and she nods again as we both get into character

"Mama" I say

"Yes?" She says

"I have something to tell you" I say and she nods as she listens to me

"There's something about me that I've been wanting to say to you for a while now and I hope it doesn't affect our relationship as mother and daughter"  I pause as she frowns her eyebrows in curiousity but stays quiet

"I like girls and I also have a girlfriend" I say and Mila looks down at her hands staying silent for a few seconds thinking "how do you think she will react?" She asks and I shake my head as I can't be certain

"I know papa with accept me and Dinah as he already knows as he court us kiss once" she says and I nod "does sof know?" I ask and she shrugs

"I haven't told her" she says and I nod "I'm just so nervous" she says making me get an idea and Mila seemed like she knew like I was think about something I guess it was my thinking face that gave it away

"What?" She asks "I could help with that" I say with a side smile

"My nerves?" She asks and I nod "I can help calm them for a few hours but it will fade, so the longer you wait to tell them the more nervous you will become until you tell them" I say and she looks like she is thinking so I let her think

"How many hours until it starts to fade?" She asks "maybe 7 to 9 hours" I say and she nods telling me that she is listening

"Okay let do it" she says with a sure yet unsure tone but it's her decision to make and I respect that

-skip couple of hours-

Now we're both outside her parents house in my car parked

Mila turns and looks at me "you can stay her if you want" she says "but you don't want to go in there alone do you?" I ask

"I don't know I'm to nervous to know" she says so I put my hand out for her

She looks at my hand and then grabs my hand so I focus my power on her nervousness and smooth it down with a calm chill rush through out our body's as I settled her nerves so I let go of her hand

Mila looked less nervous now and she has a little smile in her face making me smile "how's that?" I ask and she nods "it's good thanks" she says before getting out the car "I got this solo" she says making me nod as I wait in the car as I watch her enter the house

-skip 25 minutes-

I was texting Lauren as the car door opens and Mila sits down as I send the text to Lauren before looking at Mila and she has a blank expression on her face

"So?" I ask "later let's just go find the others" she says with a blank tone so I just nod and drive back to mine

Once I parked we got out and I look at her again to see if she is okay "Mila?" I ask but ignores me as she walks into my house so I follow her and see Dinah, Mani, Ally and Lauren as she texted me earlier saying she was home with the girls

They all look at us "where have you two been you missed dinner" Mani says as I see Dinah look at Mila as Mila's eyes haven't left Dinah

"I did it" Mila says making everyone confused apart from me "did what?"Ally asks

"I told them" Mila says to Dinah and Dinah looked like she was slowly understanding as she looked at me and I nodded to confirm that she did

Dinah then stands up "what did they say?" Eyes turned to Dinah confused that she understands

"What's going on?" Mani asks I look at Mila as well "they were happy and accepted us" Mila says as Dinah gets all excited and runs up to Mila and they both kiss each other

Ally, Mani and Lauren have these confused looks on there faces once the two lovers calmed down they started to explain about there hidden relationship to the girls and Mani was a little upset that they were the last ones to know but they let it slide as there happy for the couple

Soon they left to go home so it was just me and Lauren again

"So how your family doing?" I ask as we are both sat on the sofa with the fire place alight as it is September and it's getting colder

Lauren is also snuggled up to me with a blanket over us  "their okay they also finished redesigning the kitchen so now there starting on the living room" she says making me frown

"What about the garage and garden?" I ask "still the same but they have a new fence up but there staying at a rental while the builders work" she says making me nod her family have been doing a lot of work around there house in Miami it's been going on for a few weeks now and they have already done all the bedrooms, bathrooms and dinning room so now there in the UK visiting Lauren

Me and Lauren talk for minutes upon hours and we never get bored of it you know? It's just so natural now

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