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From mum

I'm in jail again. Come get me please.

I sign and lock my phone and Andrew let's go of me and runs away not to be seen

"What the fuck just happened" Normani said making us look at them "shouldn't he be in prison for doing that?" Dinah asks making them look at me

"Andrew has a few problems that messes with his mind and himself he doesn't mean to be pushy or aggressive normally he isn't aggressive at all but I guess he forgot to take his medication today" I say and Cara agrees

"Honestly he is a great guy but he can be a little over the top" Cara says and James agrees "plus he's hot" James says making us all look at him

"What?" He says making me shake my head and look at Cara "I have to go" I say making her look at me "why?" She asks making me hold my phone and look around knowing I don't want to answer but have to

"Mum" I say making her loosen up "oh ..okay" she says and I just stand there awkwardly but the walk away quickly almost running out of school and driving to the police station to bail my mum out once again for the 6th time in 6 months one for each month I guess

I sit there waiting for her to come out of the cell I see her and stand making her look at me and roll her eyes and scoff at me

"Mum..." I say making her walk passed me without saying anything and walk out the door

"Y/n you can't keep doing this" I hear Matt say making me look at him "but I have to she's the only family I have left Matt" I say making him give me a said look and I walk out and see her by my car so I walk over to her and stand there Infront of her but she doesn't look at me

"Mum look at me" I say but she doesn't

"Mum" I say so she does "what?" She says making me shake my head "I can't keep doing this" I say making her cross her arms

"Then don't" she says making my heart shatter into a million pieces "mum I'm your daughter" I say making her shrug

"And you think I care why? Huh? Your the reason why your father left! I never wanted you! You where never planned!" She shouts at me making tears fall down my face

"H-how could you say that?" I ask making her scoff and look at the car and then back at me "are you going to drive me home or do I have to walk?" She asks making me shake my head and look down and take a breath and then look back up at her

"You know what... You can walk home" I say walking passed her towards the driver side

"Where are you going? You have to drive me home I'm you mum" she says making me huff in announce

"Unfortunately yes you are, and I'm sure you know the way home from here by now" I say and was about to get in the car but stop to look at her and say "by the way I'm moving out tomorrow have a nice life without me in it" and then I get in the car and drive home and started to pack my shit

I managed to save up enough money to buy a cute little cottage closer to the country side not far from here I'm just waiting for the keys to be ready for me as they had to change the locks

I look at the time and see school is over and soon Cara or James will be checking up on me maybe Cara or James will let me crash at there's for a night as I don't want to stay anywhere near my mother

I hear the front door "it's open" I say as I wipe my tears away looking in the mirror seeing my eyeliner smudged making me grab a wipe and take my make up off and I take my contact lenses out and put my glasses on

"Hey y/n?" I hear Cara as she walks in my room and I look at her and she looks at me "where's your mum?" She asks making me huff "walking home" I say making her nod"James and the girls are down stairs hope you don't mind?" She asks making me shrug "I don't care at the moment" I say tying my hair up into a pony tail and then putting some of my stuff in a duffle bag

"Hey what's going on?" James say as he walks in "can I stay at one of yours tonight?" I ask making them both nod "of course you can" Cara says and walks over to me "hey what's wrong?" She asks making me stop what I'm doing and actually look at them letting them see my red puffy eyes

"Oh y/n" James says as they both come over to me and hug me making me cry in there arms for what seemed like hours but was just minutes

"Wanna talk about it?" Cara asks making me shake my head "not yet" I say making her nod and rub my back

"Can you help me pack?" I ask and she nods "yeah James go keep the girls company" she says and he nods and walks out

"Why are the girls here?" I ask as she helps me pack "they said they wanted to hang out with us so James invited them" she says making me nod

"Well I don't want them to see me like this so I'm going to go and freshen up" I say and she nods as I go to the bathroom and take my glasses off and wash my face and reapplying my make up and redoing my hair and put my lenses back in

I look in the mirror seeing myself looking more composed then I was a minute ago

I walk out and see Cara zip my bag up and looks at me "ready?" She asks making me nod and she grab my bag and we walk down stairs to see the girls and James laughing

They see us coming down stairs and stand up "y'all ready to go?" Ally asks making us look at her "where are we going?" I ask making her smile "waffle house" say with excellent

We hear the door open and in walks my mum...


She turns and looks at us all and then me but I look away "let's get going" I say and James walks out and I walk passed her but she grabs my hard very tightly

"Don't do this" she says but I don't look at her "you left me no choice" I say and snack my arm back off her and walk out with the others following

I see Caras cars and two others that must be the girls cars they walk over to there cars and I was as well but once again stopped by my mum

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