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I see a woman holding a clipboard and she looks at us and smiles sadly "miss y/l/n?" She asks making me nod and she then looks down at the clip bored "you're here to confirm the body off your mother... Sam y/l/n am I right?" She asks I nod again to confirm the question

She then moves over to this little steel door and gestures for us to come over so we walk over to her "this should be her" she says pointing at the steel door making me look at it

"If you have any questions I'm happy to answer" the lady says and I look up at her and then Lauren who rubs my back for comfort and yeah i do have a few questions and the first one being "what happened?" i ask as the lady looks down at her clip bored like she is looking for the answer

"Says here that she comited sucide" she says as she looks back up at me and I just nod and she opens the door and pulls the body out with a white sheet over it, I look at the sheet in my own time I lift my hands to each side of the sheet and grab it slowly pulling the sheet down looking away at the lady who is looking at the body

I look at the body and see this discoloured face looking so dead and cold with her eyes closed and i could see bruising around her neck meaning she hung herself... but... She looks peaceful... I haven't seen her look peaceful in years... Or ever...

I swallow the lump in my throat and look away feeling my eyes become glossy so I blink them a few times before looking at the lady who looks up from the body

"It's her" I say and she nod and writes something down on the clipboard and she was going to cover my mother's face but I grab her arm to stop her making Lauren and the lady look at me

"Can I have a moment with her alone... Please?" I ask her Lauren and the lady look at each other but then nod "sure" the lady says and leaves the room while Lauren walks over to the door away from me

I look back down at my mother's dead face "you know I'm sorry right?" I ask her even tho I know I won't get an answer "I'm sorry I didn't look for the small things... I was blinded by the hate that I didn't bother to look for them... I could of been a better daughter" i say taking a shakey breath and i could feel the tear in my eyes

"I should of seen the signs you were giving me... But now that I know... It's too late to fix things between us, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most and I'm sorry I didn't see that you was asking for help sooner.... I'm a awful daughter.. I now know that you had trouble showing your affection towards others like normal people" I play with the strand of hair that was hanging of the tray she is on

"I... Love you mum" I say feeling upset now that she is no longer here with us, I start to fix myself wiping my eye as i feel a few tears fall but i keep myself together putting the cover back over her face

I feel better now that I said good bye so I walk over to the door where Lauren is and I look at her and see she is looking at me with a sorrowed look so I'm guessing she heard what I said

I grab her hand and walk out if the room closing the door behind us and the officer leads us out of the prison and we walk back to the car and we get in

We sit there for a while not speaking just sitting in silence it wasn't awkward or anything like that it was just silent

"You okay?" She asks I nod and look at her with a little smile "I feel better now that I said good bye" I say she gives me a small smile and she grab my hand kissing the back of it making give her a sweet yet soft smile

Once we're back at mine Lauren is in the lounge while I'm in the kitchen looking at the letter in my left hand and the lighter Jason gave me in my right

I try lighting it but it doesn't work but then for some reason my hand starts to set it on fire "that's new" I hear as I drop the burning letter in the sink and look at Lauren who is by the door looking at me

We just look at each other as she walks over to me and looks at the letter burning in the sink "well it's not the most shocking thing that I've seen" she says making me agree "yeah" I say she pulls me with her right arm closer to her by my waist

"I told you that you're hot" she says I chuckle at her roll my eyes "yeah but you are the only hottie that I see" I said looking at her as she smile at me

I put one of my hands on the back of her neck and pull her close to me and kiss her as I wrap my arms around her neck deepening the kiss as I do she snakes her arms around my torso putting a little tongue into the kiss

I moan in approval as I feel her tongue in my mouth and I gently push her up against the counter placing both of my hands either side of her and she pulls me with her making me push myself closer to her making sure there is no gap in between our body's

I pull back from the kiss opening my eyes and look at her "as much as I'm enjoying this I am pretty tired so how about we go bed and cuddle?" I ask she nods with a smile and gives me a kiss and takes my hand leading me to the bedroom


Today is the first day of summer... Yay 🤷 what do you want me to say? I feel my phone vibrate making me look at it and see it's Cara talking in the group chat

Car Car 👽: yooooooo! Who's ready to party!!!!

NoMoney 🤑: to... Early... 😩😴

DJ Gold 👑: ^ what dis bish said...

Mila 🙊🙉🙈: maybe we could go to the beach instead? 🤷

Allysus 🌸👼: I agree with Camila to early to party and Dinah... Watch your language there's kids 🤨

Jam🍯James: beach!!! I mean y'all would get to see y/n in her swimsuit 🤩😏

Car Car 👽: oh damn.... You're right

Lolo 💚😎: y'all better not be perving on my girlfriend 😒 even tho she is fucking hot... 😏

Y/n hottie 😜😈: what can I say I'm just that good looking *flips hair and winks* 😉😏

DJ Gold 👑: I'm ded...

NoMoney 🤑: *dies with Dinah*

Mila 🙊🙉🙈: soooo... We are going to the beach?

Lolo 💚😎: hell yeah!

Car Car 👽: ugh... Fine meet y'all there...

Y/n hottie 😜😈: cya all there 😘

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