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"So meet me after school at your locker so we can discuss further details about the project?" I ask making her nod with a smile "yeah" she says and I nod and walk off but feel eyes on me making me turn around and see she was looking at my ass she noticed that I was looking and bites her lip and looks away with a smile on her face

Leaving me confused and a little turned on from that lip bite and smirk she had on her face when she saw I was looking back at her like she was proud that I saw her looking

I walk over to my next class that I have science with Dinah and Ally I walk in class and sit down opposite both of them as they smile at me "hey" I say and put my books down as class starts

The teacher tells us that we have to heat things up basically and analyse and recorded it's reaction be we don't start until he closest the door...

"Hey y/n?" I hear making me look and them "yeah?" I say as Dinah says "I remember you said to be careful while walking the halls...why?" Ally looked like she also wanted the answer as well so I don't see why not

I sign and lift my arm and roll up the sleeve to show

I sign and lift my arm and roll up the sleeve to show

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I hear them both gasp in shook

"Because accidents like this can happen" I say as they just look at my arm and then at each other so I cover my arm and carry on with the work

After they recover from what they called a shook but then they started to be themselves again after a few laughs

"Hey I finally found something as hot as this buns and burner" Dinah says making me and Ally look at her "and that something is?" Ally asks making Dinah point at me making me smirk and think of something I shouldn't probably do but want to so bad, so why the fuck not? I just want to have some fun

"Oh honey, you have it all wrong" I say as I leaning over the counter towards her as I grab her arm and pull her closer to me by her collar so we are face to face as I move hair out of her face hearing her whimper so I stroke her jaw line making her eyes widen a little with this innocent yet curious look on her face as Ally just stares at us both not knowing what to do

I stare at her lips as I speak my next words very softly and seductively at her "Your the hot ones" I say looking over at Ally and winking at her and I then kiss Dinahs cheek lingering there for at least 5 seconds making Ally squeal as well as Dinah in suprise, I pull back seeing a lip stick stain from my kiss and the bell rings so I grab my thing and giggle as I seem them both with wide eyes and there mouths open guess you could say that there shook

"Ally... she just sexually confused me..."

"M-me too"

I smile proudly and walk out of class to lunch I meet up with Cara and James and we make our way to the cafeteria and we get our food and we sit down as soon Lauren and Normani join us then Camila

I take out my book that I've been reading and was about to put my reading glasses on until I hear "no you don't not get to sexually confuse us both and then just leave like you did nothing" I hear Dinah say who still has the lip stick on her cheek but it is smudged as her and Ally walk up to the table looking at me making everyone look at me in confusion and curiousity

"Wait what did you do y/n?" Cara asks making me smile innocently at her

"Nothing" I say look back at my book as I put my reading glasses on like I've done nothing bad... Well I haven't... Yet...

"Explain how you did it... I need to know your secrets and why?" Normani asks making me look up at her through my glasses making her stop talking with a hitch if her breath and I just smile and close my book and cross my legs and taking my reading glasses off

"What do you want to know?" I ask making camila sit down next to me "how do you do it?" She asks a little too excited making me lift my hand and place one finger on her temple gently and brush back some of her hair out of her face and then I let my hand travel down to her jaw then under her chin and I lift her head a little as I stroke her lips with my thumb, she seemed to calm down and everyone else seemed to quiet down as well

"The secret is that you let them know what your intentions are and how your going to act on them... And then go for it" I say as I lean in making her close her eyes and squeal like Ally and Dinah did minutes ago and I kiss her on the cheek making sure to let her feel my lips on her cheek

I let go of her chin and pull back leaving a lip stick kiss on her cheek, I look her in her eyes she blinks a few times and she opens and closes her mouth like a gold fish out of water and swallows a lump in her throat

"E-excuse m-me" she stutters and stands up and walk out the cafeteria probably to the bathroom making me smirk as she walks out

"Anymore questions?" I ask as I look back at them all seeing there starting at me like they seen an astronaut on a unicorn...

"No?" I ask making Cara clear her throat making me look at her "w-what was that? And why?" She ask making me smile at her

"It was a kiss on the cheek and why not?" I say making her nod still with a shook look on her face

"Okay I'm kinda of turned on" I hear James says making us look at him "and I'm gay but... Fuck that was hot if I wasn't gay I would totally bang you all night and all day" he says making surprised by what he said

"I never thought I would hear you say that but Cara on the other hand I won't be surprised... but you James... Damn I turn gay men straight" I say making myself smile proudly "and straight girls gay" I hear Cara says making me look at her confused

"Your not straight tho" I say making her nod "I know" she says as she points at Normani who is staring at me "h-how" she say to herself making me a little surprised by her and myself I mean I know I basically have everyone in this school drooling over me but... Damn even straight girls... I'm impressed y/n... What else can I do?

"Okay well imma go and make sure Mila is okay" I say and stand up and go to the bathroom walking in and seeing her by the sink staring at nothing

"Camila?" I say making her snap out of it and look at me "y-y/n" she says out of suprise as I walk over to her "you okay?" I ask making her smile and nod "yeah I'm okay... I just wasn't expecting...that" she says making me smile "I'm sorry if I did something that you wasn't comfortable with" I say making her shake her head no

"No no no I'm okay with what you did it was just...I was a little... Too turn on" she says making me look at her in shock as she looks away from me looking uncomfortable and embarrassed

"I'm sorry what?" I ask dumbfounded by what she just said "please don't make me say it again" she says looking down with the red est face I have seen today or ever

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