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A Maruti Vitara Brezza halted in front of a small night shop. There were few guys around the shop drinking tea and coffee. Yusuf get down from the driver's seat. He walked towards the shop. He lit a cigarette and ordered a strong black tea.

Yusuf exhaled some smoke and looked around. A white Mitsubishi Pajero was parked on the opposite side of the road. Four guys at the shop must be from the Pajero. Yusuf was not in a mood to have conversation with them. He had an important task. Otherwise he would have made a business pact with these guys for fresh meat from his shop. Now he waited for the guys to leave.

The shop owner gave a glass of black tea. Yusuf took it and had a sip. Then he inhaled another puff of smoke from the cigarette. By the time he finished the cigarette and tea, the guys were gone.

Yusuf whispered to the man. "Ikka, big brother I need some tools."

The shop owner looked at him. He smiled. "Where is the hunt?'

"At the capital. A big shot!" Yusuf smiled back.

"What are you looking for?"


Quickly the shop was closed. Both of them climbed into the SUV and rode to an unknown location. No words have been spoken inside the car. The man didn't want to know who the target was and who ordered the hit.

A house was located in the outskirts of the town. They halted in front of the house.

The man gave him two pistols with silencers attached to them.

"Ten rounds, precise. This would do your job."

Yusuf took the pistols and checked them. "Beretta?" He looked at the guns with admiration.

The man shook his head.

"How many targets?"

"One. However there could be some collateral damages."

The man gave him two magazines filled with cartridges. "Will this be enough?"

"Ikka, I am not going for a massacre." Yusuf smiled.

Yusuf pocketed the guns and handed over a small bundle of notes. The man accepted it and walked out. Yusuf followed him.

"Do you need any boys?"

"No ikka. This should be done by me. It's personal."

Fifteen minutes later Yusuf was back in his Brezza treading towards Trivandrum and the man was at his shop waiting for the next customer.


The road was isolated. It could be only for just a couple of minutes. Anytime another vehicle was going to pass by. Lorries and container trucks are soon to take over the roads at night.

Balan knew that this was the ideal time. He was standing by the side of the Black Baleno. A PU pipe was put in inside the fuel tank and petrol was flowing out. He had a two liter PET bottle with him filled with petrol. He slowly poured the petrol on the road in a straight line almost twenty five meters from the Baleno.

Another car, a black Scorpio was waiting for him, engines in full throttle.

He saw the headlamps glowing at the far end of the road. He had three seconds, three crucial decisive seconds.

A lighter was ignited and thrown into the line of petrol and the Scorpio raced away.

In the rear view mirror both Balan and Shivapriya saw the burst of flames engulfing the car.

"We shouldn't have done that. I loved that car." Balan was so disheartened by the sight of the burning car. It was essential. No DNA should be found. He knew it. Still he was finding bondage with the car.

Revenge is divineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora