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The man was stuffed with chemicals probably to avoid any bird attack and bug attack. Formaldehyde, methanol and some other chemicals were all mixed on the body. But the power of formaldehyde and methanol has been gradually diminished and the body started to decay. Now the air was filled with a mixture of chemical and decay stinks and made it unbreathable and unbearable.

Shivadha felt her stomach churning. A wave of nausea hit her. She looked at the other members of the squad. They were also in an uncomfortable dizziness.

As a reverential custom they all removed their cap for a second. She looked at Raghuram to take a decision. He saw her standing aloof and indecisive.

"Call an ambulance, immediately." He shouted. "And search the entire building for anything worthy." Then he turned to the journalist. "Tell me who you are? And how you got here?"

Smitha was unmoved by the stench or the sudden burst of uniformed men around her. She was worried for the camera that was snatched by one of them. Will they delete everything?

"My name is Smitha. I work for India24 news channel." She looked straight into Raghuram's eyes, unblinked.

"What were you doing here?"

"I got a call from someone." She had nothing to hide. "I was told that the minister has been killed and the body is dumped here. Now give me my camera back."

"On one condition." Raghuram said. He studied the girl. She looked tough and unmoved. She was determined and he knew it would be a bad option to mess around with the media. They air their own version of the story regardless of the consequences.

She looked at him for his condition. Do you really think I am going to accept? She looked straight into his eyes unflinched of his uniform or the number of stars on it.

He wasn't sure whether she would accept or not but he told her anyway. "You won't release any footage unless said so. You will keep this a secret till the investigation is over." He looked into her eyes and tried to read what's in her mind. He could see she was immersed in deep thoughts which looked least promising.

Smitha thought for a moment. Accept it or else you will lose all the photos and videos. Once you have the camera you can do whatever you want. She smiled. "Okay." I have a career to save. I can't let this opportunity go.

Hot air blew around them and the stench got thickened. Most of the men covered their nose including Commissioner Raghuram. Smitha seemed unaffected by the foul smell that pierced through everyone's nostrils.

"Your smile is least convincing. Are you faking your acceptance to my demand just to get your camera back?" His sharp eyes pierced into her. His tone was serious and threatening. He meant his words. "I need your assurance that you won't publish it."

"No sir. I won't publish it. I give my word. The breaking news will wait until you say so." Her words were firm.

"At least not today. Give us twenty four hours. So that we could find who is behind this murder. Maybe tomorrow you can air double breaking news." He was calm and courteous.

Smitha was surprised. Never did a policeman talked to her like that before. She has heard that this man is so arrogant but now he talked to her politely. Never seen him with such composure. She looked at him with admiration.

"Sure sir. You can trust me." She didn't have to hesitate.

Raghuram signaled to a constable and he returned the camera to her. Ebin tired after the excessive vomiting walked towards her and received the camera.

The Police Commissioner walked away towards the vacant end of the roof to make some important calls. He had to inform a lot of people. The Chief Minister of the state and the Home minister, the Director General and the Inspector General of Police should know about this murder. As he called them one by one he walked the entire roof, from one corner to other carefully scanning for any suspicious object. He reached the array of black water tanks where he noticed some graffiti. He stopped and stared at the writing.


The name was written in blood, dried and blackened. He crouched down on one knee to examine it.

Who is Thomas? Is he the killer?

Smitha noticed Raghuram staring at the concrete floor and rushed towards him grabbing Ebin's hand along the way. She motioned him to zoom the camera at the floor.

Behind her Shivadha rushed to the spot.

They all saw the blackened graffiti.

"Smitha." Shivadha called her by the name.

Smitha suddenly jumped hearing her name being called unexpectedly. She blankly gazed at the Commissioner of Police.

"You said someone called you and informed about the murder."

"Yes madam."

"Did he call you from a landline number?"

"No madam. It was a mobile number." She quickly took out her mobile phone and searched for the number. "This is the number."

Shivadha quickly noted the number. She exhaled with a sense of relief. We will get the killer soon.

Smitha turned to Raghuram. "Sir, do you think Thomas murdered Ouseph Valookkaran?"

"I don't know who this Thomas is." He was still unperturbed at the turn of events. He was surprised at himself how he was able to maintain such tranquil.

"I don't think so." Shivadha intervened.

Raghuram, Smitha and Ebin turned towards her. Ebin focused his camera at her face.

"First of all a killer won't be a fool to reveal his name after he created all this drama. Secondly Ouseph won't come this far to write the name and nor did he wrote this name and scrolled towards his current position. No blood trails suggests that."

"So what do you think?" Raghuram feared she will say what he was also thinking.

"It could be the next target. I remember that he said there would be more." Shivadha announced. There is a body preserved to keep you guys awake and rolling. It would be followed by more. The killer whispered inside her. It would be followed by more.

Raghuram didn't flinched but both Smitha and Ebin were startled. They looked at each other. Next target!

"How will we find this Thomas?" Shivadha muttered. "We don't know who he is?"

"We need to find if Ouseph has any friends or relatives by that name." Raghuram was unbelievably calm today. His words were slow and thoughtful.

Suddenly Ebin screamed, as if he got a revelation. "I think I know."

"Who is that?" Shivadha gazed at him.

"Who is he?" Raghuram ran towards him.

Smitha groped his arms tight.

"Thomas Panampilly." He said the name, nervous and unsure.

"What?" Smitha yelled.

"Thomas Panampilly." He said the name again.

Both Shivadha and Raghuram repeated the name after him. "Thomas Panampilly. Our Revenue Minister."


To be continued.....


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Thank you so much for reading

Harry Raphel


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