Chapter 21 : DAGGER

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They heard a soft knock at the door. Both looked at the door, Shivdas with concern and Thomas with hope. Someone is at the door!

The knock repeated, this time three times at equal intervals. Shivdas stood up, sheathed his knife and walked towards the door. Thomas tried to move so that the entrant would see him when the door opens.

Shivdas unbolted the door and someone walked in. Behind the person, outside the door Thomas saw some thick vegetation and a river. Where the hell am I? Am I being held captive in a forest? He couldn't see more, not even the houses on the other bank of the river. The door was closed quickly. A hot gush of air whooshed in and flickered the burning candle. One long breath of fresh air filled his lungs.

He didn't hear any quick chats between them. Both the persons walked towards him. He saw a tender figure walking behind Shivdas.

They crouched down in front of Thomas and he saw them. At once blood stained away from his face. He knew the second person. He was craving to see this face again. He thought he would never see that face again. She was with him from London to India. She was the last person he saw before he passed out. Jasmine!

Shivdas studied the minister's face with enthusiasm. He could see the excitement as well as disbelief. A soft grin appeared on his lips.

"Well you have already met her, right. I guess I don't need to introduce her again." He scoffed.

"Maybe you should." Jasmine scowled looking at Thomas. "He needs to know who I am and why am I doing this."

Thomas couldn't believe what he was hearing. She is with him! They planned to kidnap me. His eyes were on her in disbelief. They made Ouseph to fool me and bring me here.

Shivdas tilted his head and looked back at Jasmine who stood behind him.

"Yes, you are right. A proper introduction is what he deserves." He turned again to Thomas. "He needs to know a lot before he dies." Shivdas grinned.

Thomas was wondering the same. Who is she and why she has partnered with a killer? How did she know Ouseph?

"She is Shivapriya, my younger sister. She was only four months when our parents died."

Shivapriya? The minister wondered. She is not Jasmine?

Shivapriya smiled wholeheartedly. She nodded her head. "I guess you liked Jasmine more. By the way I am not twenty two, I am only nineteen." She winked though Thomas didn't see that in the dim candle light.

Thomas already felt she was younger than twenty two. Nineteen, he whispered. He craved for her even more. His eyes were on her body examining her delicate features.

Shivdas got his blood boiling and he hit him in the gut with full force. A cough died in his throat and his torso balled like a shrimp.

"I want to know one thing. Why did you kill my father?" Shivdas was fuming with rage.

"Our father" Shivapriya corrected.

"I will remove the rag from your mouth to answer the question. But don't try to be over smart. There is no point in screaming or calling for help. No one other than us is going to hear you. We are in the middle of a fucking forest. Are you ready?"

Thomas didn't respond. He was still trying to cope up with the pain. Shivapriya was skeptic of the idea of removing the cloth from his mouth.

Shivdas took the old filthy piece of cloth out of his mouth. Thomas spit a lot of saliva out. He coughed hard and exhaled heavily through the mouth.

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