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Ravi ran into the room without knocking. Karunashankar was standing in front of the mirror and was surprised by the sudden intrusion. He turned his head to see who entered the room without permission. He saw ever worried Ravi standing with a mobile phone in his hands.

"Don't you have any manners, Ravi?" Karunashankar angrily looked at him.

"Sorry sir, but it is very important."

"How much importance could it have? Did anyone died?" Karunashankar said in a mocking tone. He sat at the edge of his bed.

"Yes sir. Someone has been killed." Ravi replied in a single breath.

Shocked, he stared at Ravi. "What? I was just joking. You better don't take it seriously." He stood up and walked towards Ravi.

"It is serious sir. Minister Ouseph has been murdered." His words came out frantically.

The news was too much for Karunashankar. He lost his grip but luckily didn't fell. He wobbled slightly for confirmation. His face turned pale as if he has seen a ghost.

"Yes sir. Commissioner from Kochi, Raghuram called now. The body was found mutilated."

"Mutilated, you said. How bad is it? Who would have done that? Do they have any suspects?"

"The commissioner said the body could be few days old. No sir, they still don't have any suspects."

"Do they have any doubts on someone?"

"No sir."

"America was always safe, wasn't it Ravi. No, we were being fooled. We can't forget the twin tower attack. Murders and rapes happen on a daily routine there. America was never safe. Why would anyone kill Ouseph?"

"Sir, he was murdered in India, not in America."

"How is that possible? He was in America." He too doubted that. He never got a confirmation that he has reached United States of America.

"I don't know sir. They found his body in a building in Kochi."

Chief Minister Karunashankar kept silent. He couldn't fathom the news. Who would kill him? Why Ouseph didn't went to America. His journey was scheduled two or three weeks ago.

Ravi interrupted his thoughts. "Sir, Commissioner wants to talk with you, something related to Thomas sir."

"What about Thomas?" C.M. glanced towards his P.A. Ravi.

"I don't know sir. But he sounded very serious."

"Okay connect him." His expression was devoid of emotions. Thomas was supposed to meet me today. At least that's what he texted me yester night. Does he know too? He looked at the watch. It was 1.15 pm. It looks like there would be no need of lunch.

Ouseph was like a son to him. He and Ouseph's father, Mathai Valookkaran were close friends. Since his death, Ouseph used to call Karunashankar achan or father and always gave him the respect of a father. Karunashankar always considered him as his own son. Who killed Ouseph and why? The octogenarian felt the floor slipping away from his feet. He gripped the table tightly and moved towards a chair. He helped himself into the chair.

He lost his pivotal pillar in politics, the play maker. He made the strategies which helped him become the chief minister for a second term and his third term in overall; the first one was when Mathai Valookkaran was alive.

Ravi once again interrupted his thoughts. "Sir, the Commissioner is on line." He handed over the electronic device to the chief minister.

"Tell me Commissioner about everything but please avoid the cliché dialogues. What have we got?" The C.M. was work ready. He could not waste time for sentiments. It is time for action.

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