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She wanted the exclusive for herself. That was huge, bigger than she expected. There was no news about the minister for the last one week. No one knows about his whereabouts. He has just disappeared.

But before that she had to confirm what the anonymous caller just revealed. His words echoed inside her head.

Minister Ouseph has been brutally murdered. He never went to America.

She couldn't think otherwise. What if he said was real? It could be, since there was nothing known about him. Shall I call Ebin or the news channel? They might know something.

The first person she called was Ebin. She dialed his number.

Ebin threw the butt of the cigarette to the ground when he got the call. He attended the call and he heard Smitha's panicked yell. She was in a state of total trepidation.

"Come fast, its urgent." She screamed.

He thought. Anuroop has arrived. So what? He will stay anyways for the interview. He was in no hurry. He ambled slowly towards the parking lot. He saw Smitha running towards him. She holds his hand and dragged him towards the car. Once they were in the car, she told him about the call in one stretch. Then she inhaled deeply. Her eyes were affixed on him. He didn't reply nor did he say a word. He didn't know what to say.

"What do you think?" She was so eager for the reply.

"I don't know. I am just a photographer. You are the person with the brains." He responded uninterestingly. A murder seldom interested him.

"Look we need to make quick decisions. Either we go after this thread or have a boring interview with a rising film star." She was in a state of extreme anxiety. She knew this breaking news would change her life for good from an ordinary interviewer to an exclusive reporter.

A boring interview, is that what she thinks about this meeting? He didn't think Anuroop was boring. This is what we are paid for. Interviewing celebrities, capturing their all sorts of shitty poses and emotions and present them in front of the fans so that they would be treated like demigods. He never satisfied with his job but never complained. He wanted a better profile, behind the desk or as a senior stunt videographer in some exciting circumstances which could give him a heavy payroll. He believed he was better with the camera than any of the senior punks above him who only blabbers but does no good work.

"What if this is just a prank call?" He understood her tension but the doubt was obvious.

"I don't think so. The intensity in his voice speaks itself. Plus my guts say this is going to be a hell of a day." She was sure of that.

"You better confirm with that managing idiot director whether the minister boarded the plane or not, then we will think of doing whatever you are thinking." Ouseph's death will shook the Kerala politics, no doubt. Maybe this was his moment of glory too. He could feel the same excitement running through his veins.

Managing idiot director! She laughed. Indeed he was. She called him and she made the call short and stuck to the point. He assured her will call back in a few minutes.

"Let's go, I want to be there before anyone even think of it." She urged him to take the wheel.

"Do you think someone else will come?" He was hesitant.

"Why not? That man may have informed others too." She tapped continuously on his shoulders to start the car.

"What do you think of that man?" Ebin asked while he pressed the key into the slot.

"Most probably he is the killer. He wants the body to be found but trying to be over smart. He doesn't know reporters are more vigilant and cunning than police."

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