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Four Mahindra Boleros and a Toyota Innova braked in front of the building. It was almost a triangular building from the top view. They walked through the teakwood front door into the granite floored lounge. The reception area was vibrant with colors and an oak finish desk greeted them silently. The building was deserted as each and every flat owner has moved out. The Supreme Court has ordered the state government to pay a certain amount as compensation.

They didn't feel anything unusual but the silence was discomforting.

The search would be easy. Shivadha thought. She was right. There were no one to interfere in their search and before anyone knows they came here they would be long gone. There is no time to waste. She reminded herself.

"Search everywhere. We could find the person alive. Quick." Shivadha ordered. But no one moved. They just stared at her.

Novice! Raghuram smiled.

"Split into three teams. Let the First team check the first floor and will move to the fourth floor. Second team goes to the second floor and onto the fifth. Third team starts with the third and move on to the sixth. Hope you understood the pattern. Check thoroughly, nothing should be missed, not even a needle. We need the person alive, so be alert and be in communication. "

"Yes sir." They all said in unison.

I have a lot to learn. Shivadha thought. She secretly admired the Commissioner for his professional approach.

"Disperse." Raghuram commanded and the teams scattered and moved on through the stairs. He moved towards the other sections of the ground floor while Shivadha stood at the lounge undecided.


His voice was still confused. "What do you think?"

She was even more puzzled. "I don't know. It all feels like some kind of hallucination. I am struggling to convince myself that this is real and I am not part of any joke."

She looked straight ahead the path they were going and all the vehicles moving past and they were overtaking. The highway was full with automobiles and noisy. They were in the middle of the peak hour of the morning.

When the red signal was on Ebin slowed the car and halted behind another car at the Palarivattom pipeline signal.

"I too feel the same. Are we being tricked?" He shrugged, looking at her seating adjacent to him. He wanted to see her face and the emotions displaying on it. If this is real then he knew it will be a heavy bonus in his life. The videos and photos he would take will change his career. There was a huge offer waiting for him and he could never let it go.

"We will soon find out." She assured. "I hope this won't take too long. We will just check out the building and see for ourselves that whether this is all genuine. If not we can return back and continue with our interview." That's what I am going to do if this is all a hoax.

"And what about the bastard who called us?" He didn't thought she would give such a reply. It must be an authentic call and the person who called should be serious for his life's sake. The caller would be a messiah if he passed a genuine message or else he will be nothing better than a bastard.

Ebin, mind your language. Smitha could understand his state of mind. She too wished that this is not a joke. She had high hopes from this call. "Don't worry. I will never forgive him. He will have to pay a heavy price for fooling us if he is doing so."

The signal showed seven seconds when Smitha received a call. It was from their managing director. She was all pumped up to see his name on the screen.

"Hello sir." she called out excitedly.

"Hello Smitha, I want to know why you asked to get this information?" he sounded serious. He sent her for an interview but she has asked for much classified information.

She was reluctant to answer. If he knew about the call and the details he would sent another team to check its genuinity and she could not afford that. She can't lose this opportunity. "Sir..." she stopped in between.

The silence mounted up between them. Michael, the managing director of india24 news channel waited for her to answer. But she didn't have any.

"Smitha are you there?"

"Yes sir." she turned the speaker on so Ebin could also hear and he may come up with some crazy explanation to help their cause.

"I asked you a question. Where are you now?"

Smitha looked at Ebin. He silently muttered in a way she could understand.

"We are at the entrance of Lulu mall waiting for Anuroop. He has not yet arrived. Did you have what I enquired for?"

The signal turned and Ebin's feet pressed the accelerator. The car sped along with other cars. She has to get the details before they reach their destination.

"Yes, but I want to know why you asked me to get this information?"

"It is only a hunch, sir. Please let me know."

Michael was reluctant for a moment. It took him only five minutes to get what he asked for. He had strong contacts at the airport. He will know about each and every passenger who travels through.

"What are you going to do about the information?"

"For the time being, nothing. But I sense a good story." She had to keep him interested.

"Who told you to do such a story?" He was puzzled and angry.

"Come on sir, let me be creative. You always wanted that, don't you?"

"You were supposed to do an interview."

"It will be done sir." She assured, though she didn't knew how she would do that. She had a better choice than an unworthy interview of a chauvinist.

"Okay." Finally he decided to tell her. "Your hunch is right. He never boarded the flight. We all thought he was in America but somehow he is in Kerala, hiding somewhere. This would be a real story."

Both their hearts jumped up in joy. They were not fooled! Ebin changed into the top gear and sped the automobile within the maximum speed limit. He couldn't wait to reach the building.

"Thank you sir, this is a big exclusive. Please allow me to do this story."

"Finish the interview first and meet me in my cabin. We need to have a real personal talk."

Smitha could imagine him wetting his lips. Since day one he wanted to seduce her into his bed but somehow she managed to stay safe from her pervert boss.

She didn't reply and before he could say anything more she disconnected the call. Managing fucking director!


To be continued.....


Let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments below. I appreciate your feedback. Hearing reactions and suggestions from readers is the most rewarding part about writing.

Thank you so much for reading

Harry Raphel


Revenge is divineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें