Chapter 12

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-Shirakawa village-


Our duo get out of the old Kamaji's house and makes their way toward their new home. At least they hope they will be able to call it as such.

"Here we are." The knight says with her hands on her hips. "Are you ready?" She asks Kotai.

"Yes." He nods.

Kamui tries to open the door but it won't budge.

And they don't have the keys... Is this some kind of joke? The petite girl does not know.

She starts to wonder if the old man is already senile or if it was planned.

"Kotai..." The boy tenses up at the annoyed voice. "Do you wanna see a magic trick?" She says with a really creepy smile, showing her 28 teeth.

The knight focuses on the door before punching a hole in the door where the doorknob is supposed to be. It should surprise the boy, but he knew something this disproportionate would happen anyway.

"Tadaa." She says gesturing for the albino to come inside.

As he takes his first step inside and sees... nothing, the curtains are all closed and the light coming from the door only shows the dust flying in the air. He turns around, only to see his guardian looking at his trail in the dust.

"*sigh* Let's clean this before I get sick." She goes to the curtains and opens them before opening the windows. But how did she knew where the windows where? Kotai adds it to his list of 'Miss Kamui's unsolved mysteries'.

"I will need your help for this." She says, searching for the cleaning furniture. "You will start to sweep the dust as I move everything outside. Ok?"

The boy nods and grabs the broom with a determined face.

"Let's do it then." She says grabbing the big wooden table and going outside.

After she moves half of the furniture outside the house under the gaze of the gobsmacked villagers, the old chief finally arrives at the scene.

Only to see Kamui getting out of the house, carrying a bed on her back without breaking a sweat.

"What is going on here?" The old man asks after taking back his fallen jaw.

"We are cleaning the house obviously." She continues to put everything outside "Wait." The knight poses what she is doing and looks intently at the corner of the house. "Is that a mouse?"

"Is this edible?" Kotai asks with an innocent voice.

"No." The answer he gets is really short and straightforward.

The old Kamaji enters the house and takes notice of the hole in the door. "What happened to the door?"

"Well, it is pretty simple actually." She puts down the chair outside. "There were no keys so we have created a way to enter." She explains as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

"You should have asked me." The old man says with an exasperated tone.

The knight shrugs her shoulders as she grabs a dresser doing almost the double of her height as if it was a simple plank of wood. "I will just make a new one." She says going outside. "Plus, I don't like green."

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