Chapter 2-4

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Sakura is really tired.

The young princess has been running around all night, healing everyone she could.

She is thankful for her retainer's help, Hana becoming a master of first aid and a competent assistant. Subaki, however, does not like it.

He does not show it nor express it to anyone, but she knows that whenever they find themselves in the medical bay, the young man feels bored.

But today is an unusual occasion.

After the attack, the castle has been turned upside down and all priests and priestesses attending the festival have been called to help.

The little pinkette turns around the corner and the young man enters her line of sight. "Subaki. I am s-so sorry." She stutters.

He smiles down at his liege. "Lady Sakura, I told you time and time that I do not mind helping around."


"How are you feeling?" Hearing Kotai's voice inside the room Subaki was guarding, Sakura stops talking.

A young woman answers with a smile. "Good. You?"

He chuckles tiredly. "I'm fine."

The albino gulps. "It hurt doesn't it?" He has never seen her in such a state before.

Kamui's smile slowly disappears, her eyes looking away from his. "Yeah, it hurt." She sighs.

None want to continue the conversation and Sakura takes that as her cue to enter.

She is a priestess too after all.

"Good m-morning, big brother." She bows nervously, her hands clenched around her rod. "...Madame?" She blushes at the thought of calling the blonde 'big sister', grateful that she stopped herself. 'Maybe she would have liked it' she thinks. 'Or maybe not... Certainly not...' the pinkette purses her lips with anxiety.

Still laying down, Kamui glances at the girl. "Good morning." She mumbles.

"My name is Sakura and I will be taking care of you today." She smiles shyly at the wounded knight.

The blonde sighs. "I am fine, don't worry."

A small frown appears on the princess' face. "You should not lie about your condition." She then gasps before turning red and covering her mouth with her hand. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." She tries to turn invisible, and unfortunately for her, it does not work.

Kotai stands up, making his way to the door. "See you later."

Sakura shily gestures for Subaki to follow his example. Even though he wants to protest he gets out anyway.

They both stay silent as the little princess checks on Kamui.

The first is too shy to start a conversation and the other is not in the mood.

The pinkette flinches as the knight sighs deeply, the green glow taking her pain away and relaxing her sore muscles.

"So... How are you doing?" Kamui asks awkwardly, trying to talk with Kotai's real sister.

Pink eyes glance up at the question. "I am doing fine, Miss, thank you."

"Okay..." The blonde looks up. "You can call me Ka... Emiya. Yeah, Emiya, everyone calls me that." 

An awkward silence surrounds the two, making Kamui look away.

"Do you... hum... have a pet?" Asking about someone's pet is a good way to start a conversation, she read it somewhere a long time ago.

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