Chapter 28

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The hunters of Shirakawa, and Seiji, are sitting across a crate used as a table in the storage room.

"But what if she gets herself in prison?" Mitsue asks with a tired tone.

"She will find a way to get out of trouble." Surprisingly, Seiji is the one to say that. "She likes to play with the meaning of words."

The younger hunter raises an eyebrow. "How so?"

Seiji lets his head rest on the crate. "This girl is really good at insulting you without you knowing."

"You talk from experience?" Mitsue smirks at the sighing orangette. "But I do not understand the link between her insulting you and her getting out of trouble."

Seiji straightens up and crosses his arms. "She always have an excuse." He frowns. "If you call her out because she insulted you, this girl will answer that you have a deranged mind for misinterpreting her words."

"But where is the link?" The young hunter grins at the Seiji.

The latter looks back irritated. "I was going to answer that." He scoffs. "Her secret is..."

A sack full of money falls on the table and the hunters look at who throws it.

"Know the law" Kamui shows a book from next to the tallest hunter. "It is pretty useful."

The book the chef is holding is one of those she found in her new house's side room, it is the law.

Mitsue stands up and approaches her. "Emiya! What took you so long?"

"I was mugging the kunoichi's liege." She answers matter-of-factly.


"Who?" The younger hunter breaks the silence.

The knight shrugs. "I do not know."

His eyes widen. "Why?" He squeaks.

"Money." The blonde girl says with a blank face, her eyes shining for a fraction of a second. "Anyway, I am going to sleep." She takes her multicolored futon from between the crates.

"You can not just say that and..." Seiji gestures to her futon. "... go to sleep!"

Kamui stares at him blankly for a second before yawning and resuming her preparation.

"Do you know what you did?" The orangette panics. "What if they are a rich merchant, or worse, a daimyo?" He screeches.

"Do not care." The knight mumbles, her back facing them as she falls asleep.

Seiji flops down in despair as the others sweat drop.

-A Quarter of an Hour Earlier-

Prince Ryoma stares at the figure leaving the inn protected from the rain by her 'weapon'.

"Who is she?" He asks the faulty kunoichi.

Kagero kneels beside him. "Emiya Kamui from Shirakawa, she is the chef of the village hunter's stall for the festival. Rumors say that she is able to hunt down a bear by herself."

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