Chapter 2

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-Out of the Bastion-

"And here we go again." Kamui mutters with a tired tone.

"Hum?" Kotai, the ex-squire, looks up at the knight.

She ignores him, glaring at the sea of dead trees before her.

Kamui resumes her walk, her little companion following suit.

They keep going, slaloming between the trees as the blonde girl does not want to take any road. There are way too many unknown for her to be able to make a good escape plan.

She does not know how strong this country's champions are, so hiding is the best option for now.

Plus, since there is no vegetation between the black trunks, it is actually faster to cut by the forest.

The girl would also like to know how she landed here, but she might never find the answer.

She is certainly not in hell, or hell is just calmer than she thought.

Kotai has questions too.

"Miss?" The little albino calls timidly.

She glances at him, the boy taking her action as a sign of acknowledgement.

"Where is the rest of your army?" How were they able to defeated the entire wyvern division?

The knight raises an eyebrow. "What army?"

"The army that attacked... there." The young boy says, looking back in the direction of the bastion.

She gives him a blank look. "No army attacked 'there'."

Kotai looks at her with a surprised face but says nothing as he formulates a question in his head.

Kamui sighs, balancing the egg into her left arm before violently punching the tree on her right, sending it flying into the others while leaving a shredded stump.

An excited expression now adorns his young, dirty face.

"Where is your weapon?" He asks, eager to know what else she can do.

She stops, lifting her right hand where red and black energy gathers before, suddenly turning into a sword with a deaf sound. Kamui lifts her weapon effortlessly and cuts the top of the fresh stump, the black and red blade leaving a dent in the ground.

Kotai's ruby eyes shine in the constant darkness left by the black clouds floating over the country. His gaze not leaving the broad sword.

"Now stop asking questions." The blond gives him an annoyed look.

They walk until the sun sets, the intensifying darkness the only indicator that the day is ending.

"We will camp here." The knight gestures for the lake hidden behind the trees.

As he watches her putting the egg down while sitting on a fallen trunk, the boy starts looking more closely at her appearance.

She has dirty blond hair tied in a very intricate bun with the help of a black bow, some more hair frames her face. Dull yellow eyes looking at the egg at her feet, Kotai not sure if she is really paying attention to it. Her mouth is a flat line, he has yet to see it goes up or down.

While judging her appearance, the albino notices that she is not as scary as he thought. 

"You are really beautiful." A smile full of innocence shines on his face.

Kamui looks at him, confused. "Thanks, I guess."

"Are you a vampire?" He then asks, still smiling.

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